The Prime Directives for a New Society (Draft 1)

1. That an abdication of intellectual life, as one guided primarily by reason in most realms; is an abdication of the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. i.e. the right to vote

2. That human social organization is to be dictated by the mental advancement and self-actualization of its constituent individuals.

3. That free will is only free within the known, and therefore, the known must be expanded as a moral imperative for the protection of value, life and liberty and the constuent members of the society, by the constituent members of that society.

4. That not all humans are created equal, by evolutionary design, but that it is the onus of humans to correct this by means of technology.

5. That inassimilable cultures are to be dealt with by means of peace and evasion whereever possible. i.e. the prime directive from Star Trek

6. That disagreements are not the result of preference or will, but of a gap in knowledge. Hence, it is therefore the onus of those disagreeing, to resolve that gap, and never wherever possible, to consent to disagreement.

7. That all presently irresolvable conflicts are permited to remain pending on the basis of ongoing knowledge seeking and reexamination.


No matter how downright crazy we are, Americans are some of the absolute most creative people on the planet. It’s because we accept living on our own terms as absolute. We’ve paid the price, and continue to pay…So does the rest of the world. But ask yourself, why is it, even the people we subject to oppression, want to be us? In so many cases as to be a worldwide brand?

The distance between an idea and its living reality is perception and possibility.

The distance between an idea and its living reality is perception and possibility. This distance is what prevents convergence of point of view, forever enslaving us to endless wars with ourselves.  People must get in touch with the deeply implicit, subtle embedded cultural and familial assumptions and behaviors behind their point of view–in order to see around their point of view.

What you thought was a wall, is actually four walls with no encasing “house.” But the thing is, you think of it as a real house. And you see it as a collection of things, but you may have forgotten a telescope and windows.

This “non-house” includes these four walls with four doors.

The doors lead to no where but other non-houses with other non doors. But you are distracted from this fact because there may be many things in these “rooms,” but only things you have already found. You start to feel you are discovering things when you’re really unearthing things. Both are important.

The thing is that all the walls and doors exist, but since they go no where, they might as well really just not. This is the same with playing only chess with yourself: you are acting without an external purpose, and will only repeat already discovered walls and doors.

The illusion of this house is the root of our doom until consciousness makes it our invariable salvation.


Our personas react and conform to the people we are most immediately near.

ImageEven and especially when you protest certain things your lover, spouse, roommate, whomever…actually commit to action that day or everyday. The way to circumvent this is with conversations aimed at setting up situations where your patience and energy are optimal. For example, I used to drink coffee, caffeinated coffee everyday. When finally I stopped, and fully didn’t crave it anymore, I drank decaf and do to this day. It still has caffeine, but you shouldn’t be drinking coffee if you have anxiety. Ever.

If little by little we changed little things about ourselves, we’d get along a lot better. Most are closed to communicating in words. They don’t know this, they even completely aware or aware at all that others communicate a lot More with words and a lot more effectively and on many higher and differing levels. Language is the cornerstone of all progress human, let’s keep extending it to our love lives, to our families and children.

Just think of all the horrible social rabbit holes there are out there to fall into.

…And sometimes never get out of.

I think of my younger readers who might be thinking of the whole growing up thing… Be warned, watch out for these things.

  • College – I went to the top art school in the world. Or one of them, SVA in New York City. It wasn’t a waste of money per se, but that’s largely if not wholly because of New York. I had millionaire art teachers…artists, real artists. But they were more artists than teachers and the Fine Art Dept was so well underfunded that they get your mind into thinking that old out of date supplies were a luxury out of sheer brochures. 😉

– Sex – makes you slave to an unwanted pregnancy or a line of products from condoms, to you name it.

  • Your Job – makes you actually work for the people you are most likely buying from, and perpetuates a mentality of conservatism which leads to low growth.
  • Your Parents – Who taught you “so who’s happy,” or “pride go it before a fall,” “don’t get too big for your britches,” “go to college” (even though you’ll be a slave to your loans and be forced against risks and you end up having to take that easy route for the sake of security. And then… Well, then they’ve got you haven’t they?
  • Guilt and Shame – Our society is rife with it, and would most certainly have you believe otherwise.
  • DUTY. This is the most important one I think. And the most insidious. THE EXPECTED HIEARCHY OF SOCIETY. This is how soldiers are made; how mean are in the end, able to be convinced by means of propaganda and hype, to go to a place and fight a people they’ve never seen, and pay the highest price.
  • The 40 Hour Work Week. Studies are showing from a British think tank I forget the name of now, but that firmly has studies to show that 60% of the time a worker is producing, a good one, and a 20 hour work week is more efficient if work is upped to a much higher percentage. Besides, freelancing, hello?
  • FOOD. Eating out costs me in full blown form, around $800 to $1200 per month. Just to fucking feed myself. Groceries all month, around $400. Yeah. We shant fail to menton of course that our overly consumerized super markets geared toward sodium and sugar and convenience…are also something we should try and avoid. Shop more organic and local, find stores for specific needs.

Don’t entirely avoid these of course, as they tend to be the fruits of life after all. But they are certainly items that society will try and use against you. Don’t fall into it. That’s all I’m saying.

This list will be added to and go on, but for now, I ask you out there, you people: is it really worth it if your life isn’t extraordinary?

Aphoristic Futurist Thoughts: Asynchronous Messages to & from the Self

“Sat Night Live, SNL, reminds us that there is a center left in the world, with centralized cultural attitudes. Ex. Humor acts to curtail nonsense.”

– Diary Aug 2010

"You got a family!? Well I eat cottage fuckin' cheese for dinner every night mothafucka!"

“Looking at the fountains, she witnessed the possibility of not returning to an identical pattern. The water could not be predicted in specifics, only in general waves of where all the different drops would fall.”


“You really underplay how much Spatial recognition capabilities play into cognition – until I have an under hallucinatory experience.”

“The opinion today is that what’s really going on, the directly observed, as opposed to someone imagining it for you–innately has more authenticity to an relative ’empiric value.’ (Relative to our methods of data collection, today)

But as the result of what is really the evolution of the progressive sophistication of media and hence, storytelling, the stories will get realer and realer until they are no longer even slghtly inaccurate, because their content: people, will be nothing but reflexively obedient.

If we’re not conscious of this in an every day popularized way, this could create a cultural monster. And then the possibility of systematization of all this, when it’s packaged, bought and sold on the open market.

And so, there will come a point, a day where the layman’s ability to experiment with this reflection, to poke his finger not at, but into the mirror, then he will have superceded the former tools of science. And thus, a new scientific method will be bornm based off and inspearable from its technology, which are one in every reflexive sense.

– Diary Sept 2009

“The logic goes, that if you observe something in real life, it an has authenticity that writer’s and their media can’t allegedly convey in whatever medium.”

– Diary Sept 2009

If I were to tell you to listen, this would not work, so I must remove your latent inhibition by changing visual cu/lues.




22. Dara’s House

RD AUTO Message: CCCC, CCC 26, Octobre 2089 – Washington D.C.Main-Line USC-CAMBIAN City Territory: ‘CAMBIAN CITY’ |

The morning was still a bit nauseated and Camille’s eyes were trying to stay open.

Her body had collapsed on the dark wood booth seat, her head lay slapped atop folded arms.

“You okay girl?” This was the soft, deep voice of Dave, the head cook at Coswa’s.
“I said, are ya aight?”
Her face sprouted up for the briefest of moments through her eyes that looked punched shut.
David said nothing but looked over her with a fond smirk. At least he did at first, then seemed to be inspecting her with his eyes as his body gradually lunged over her back and head, as if he were about to pounce her. He quickly retreated when he heard a loud noise and figured the rest of the wait staff was probably at the door.

“Okay, yeah, I’m fine,” Camille said, finally.…Keep Reading…



– Copyright © Neal Cormier 2011 All Rights Reserved –

Neal Cormier is an artist and writer originally from the Washington D.C. area.

– – His concentration is visual art–especially oil painting and graphic novel illustration.

He is also an up and coming fiction writer, of which Vesper Heliotropic is his first full length novel publication with Amazon, Barnes and Nobles (eBooks) and Lulu Inc. (for paperback & hardcover) Neal recently had a showing at National Airport in Arlington, VA (March 11 – June 25 in Terminal A). He also, and even more recently, had a first book signing for Vesper Heliotropic at The Midtown Scholar, a local hipster style bookstore in downtown Harrisburg, PA.

Neal has sold a variety of pieces to clients from around the world. His artwork has been shown in cafés, bars and galleries in New York City, Washington D.C., Paris and Alençon, France.

After high school, Neal attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City and spent four years living in both Brooklyn and Manhattan. He moved to France after this, and spent roughly about the same length of time in the region of Basse-Normandie, northern France. As a result, he speaks French and has a (tall) 9 year old daughter, Lili. He now resides back home in Crystal City, Virginia with his fiancé, Kristin.

List of Art & Media By Neal Cormier

Art & Blog

Web Design/Development Services

The Novel’s Website

– Vesper Heliotropic is a general teen/adult sci-fi ebook, paperback and hardcover, and is a Steampunk(ish) serial novel. The first written publication is OUT NOW VIA on PAPERBACK and SPECIAL-JACKETED HARDCOVER, and is available for THE AMAZON KINDLE as well as BARNES AND NOBLES NOOK EBOOKS. VESPER HELIOTROPIC, THE CRYSTAL TURBINES SERIES GRAPHIC NOVEL IS ALSO OUT NOW ON FULL COLOR GLOSSY PAPERBACK! 46 Pages Full Color Interior and Exterior – ONLY $19.99! –

88x31.pngVesper Heliotropic Book I. CRYSTAL TURBINES by Neal Aaron Cormier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License Vesper Heliotropic Book I. CRYSTAL TURBINES © Copyright 2011 Neal Cormier All Rights Reserved Visit the Author’s Website – Neal Cormier Art

You see these people.

You see these people.


They’re not actually living.

Deep in their minds.

This is closer to what they really see…

And they strive their whole lives to get a piece of what they think is this….

When what they end up with is something closer to this…

Until they lose someone, or you almost lose yourself, either more mentally or physically, you are suddenly in reality. Alive. You can’t know life until you’ve lived it. One line that always gets me is – “The world’s a better place when it’s upside down.” – Amy Winehouse

This is often true because you have to suddenly stand for something when what you took for granted is at stake.


What if Hitler were reborn a girl?








– Copyright © Neal Cormier 2011 All Rights Reserved –

Neal Cormier is an artist and writer originally from the Washington D.C. area.
– – His concentration is visual art–especially oil painting and graphic novel illustration.

He is also an up and coming fiction writer, of which Vesper Heliotropic is his first full length novel publication with Amazon, Barnes and Nobles (eBooks) and Lulu Inc. (for paperback & hardcover) Neal recently had a showing at National Airport in Arlington, VA (March 11 – June 25 in Terminal A). He also, and even more recently, had a first book signing for Vesper Heliotropic at The Midtown Scholar, a local hipster style bookstore in downtown Harrisburg, PA.

Neal has sold a variety of pieces to clients from around the world. His artwork has been shown in cafés, bars and galleries in New York City, Washington D.C., Paris and Alençon, France.

After high school, Neal attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City and spent four years living in both Brooklyn and Manhattan. He moved to France after this, and spent roughly about the same length of time in the region of Basse-Normandie, northern France. As a result, he speaks French and has a (tall) 9 year old daughter, Lili. He now resides back home in Crystal City, Virginia with his fiancé, Kristin.

List of Art & Media By Neal Cormier

Art & Blog

Web Design/Development Services

The Novel’s Website


What is listening?

What does it mean when someone actually listens to another person?

How often does this actually happen?

In order to answer the last two questions, obviously you have answer the first one, first.

So what is listening?

“You know why I come here?


“Cause when people think your dying man, they really, really listen to you.”


“—Instead of waiting for their turn to speak.”

–Flight Club

Why does this have to be the case and what is meant in this instance about what listening is?

Imagine if you said something about your day that was really important to you, had an impact such as getting a promotion or making some new advance or innovation in what you do.

Wouldn’t you rather someone understand how and why it happened, as opposed to just that it happened?

And let’s say you then brought it up to someone equally important, like a friend or spouse, and in response they said something like: ‘Wow, yeah, that’s great!’ And left it at that.

And what if that’s pretty much the extent of all they said for anything that was important to you at all, whatsoever.

It amazes me how often I actually see just that between people who get away with doing it, and ‘leaving it at that.’

In this way relationships are less like relationships and more like two ships passing in the night.

Is that what a real relationship consists of?

Simultaneously, I see people give long-winded advice, stories, situations, etc., I see the other person sitting and ‘listening’ to them, and the one whose telling the story just keeps going while the other says things like…



“I get you”

“No, I know exactly what you mean.”

“Uh huh”



Beware of these, if a conversation or any verbal interaction of any length consists exclusively of these, and there is a theme resembling this in how someone interacts with you, odds are, they are humoring you more than they are listening.

Now contrast these with phrases like:

“What do you mean?”

“Can you give me an example?”

“What exactly does that imply?”

“Are you sure?”

“That doesn’t sound too healthy.”


“Then, that must be why.”

“That’s how that works.”

Then I wonder: How much of what people ‘hear,’ are they actually getting?

Now imagine if someone said in response to your accomplishment on your good day:

‘Wow, that’s really awesome, it’s going to enable you to do more work, and if you keep using the technique you’ve been trying, it will grow exponentially.

Isn’t that a bit better? Why?

Because: It is FEEDBACK.

The dictionary will tell you that feedback is…

‘the modification or control of a process or system by its results or effects’

I would say this means feedback is modifying what is said (the system or process) by means of how you react, whereas, in a conversation without feedback, no modification takes place.

Another part that seems vital to it is also the translation of an idea into another form as synthesized through another piece or set of data, ending in a new deduction, which in turn, furthers more and more feedback.

In other words, someone listens to you, and gives their opinion about it, and the original opinion, yours, has been transformed in some way that adds onto it. You then react to how they reacted.

I am astounded at how many people actually regard listening as merely being the recipient to information. The reason that I regard this as basically and often completely superfluous, is due to the fact that when I actually go back and see what the person retained from what I’m saying, I get either one of two responses:

Either, A, they can’t repeat anything back to me, or B, they repeat back what I said verbatim.

Of these two responses, I reveal that their difference Is an illusion by the mere fact that in suddenly asking what I meant by a given idea, people are not generally able to tell me, or (which happens more often than anything else) they save face by coming up with something right there on the spot, which is nice, but wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t called them out on it. And I don’t want to have to call people out on not listening to me all the time, its exhausting and I have better things to do.

All in all, this means that people are either completely zoning out or they take what I said as a memorized recitation, both of which tend to suck.

What people are not normalized to is the fact that neither of these is valid, because neither of these actually produces anything.

I want to say to all those friends and family members, all the people I see who think they are being listened to, to actually stop for a moment to test the person for comprehension. I think anyone would be astounded at how little of what we say is actually being processed.

So, does listening mean that someone is able to repeat back to you what you’ve said verbatim?

Does listening mean comprehending? What is comprehension? Why bring something up if nothing is generated from it?

Comprehension doesn’t mean memorizing. Most people take understanding something to mean a general regard for it. But what use is a ‘general understanding’ if it seldomly relates to action?

Comprehension is what produces feedback.

Take this exchange for example:

“I detest pornography, it’s demeaning to women.”

“I know, I hate porn, it’s cheap, smutty, full of images of people having sex with no love attached, and that’s what people learn when they watch it, to view sex without love.”

“Yeah, I know, more and more, we’re detached from the actual act of sex.”

“Well, in any case, its demeaning, we have a whole genre of pornography devoted to each individual type of how a woman can be degraded.”

“There are so many examples of this, our world is becoming more and more removed from nature too, just look at how we’d rather watch TV and DVDs than play on a playground with other children.”

“I know, it’s getting crazy, I think that we could actually say porn is now totally mainstream too. It’s infecting how we talk and think about our world so much, look at how my daughter wants to dress, back in the day, she’d be considered a prostitute for what she wants to wear.”

“Something’s got to be done, before women are viewed solely as sex objects like they are in rap music today.”

“You know my mom was a feminist, hardcore one in the 60’s and 70’s, did a lot to speak out against the objectification of women.”

“Really, my family really didn’t, I have to admit, I’m pretty much the one who’s more adamant about philosophical or political issues.”

Are these two people ‘listening’ to each other? It may seem like they are since they say a lot of things like “Really?” “Something’s got to be done…” “I know,” or “I know, it’s getting crazy..” and stuff like that.

Wow, aren’t these, really similar to saying things like: “Right,” “Exactly,” “I get you,”  and “No, I know exactly what you mean,” “Uh huh,” “Continue…”  and “Sure.”

But if someone says:

“Yeah, I know, more and more, we’re detached from the actual act of sex.”

To which the other responds with ‘feedback’ by saying…

“Well, in any case, its demeaning, we have a whole genre of pornography devoted to each individual type of how a woman can be degraded.”

This doesn’t mean they’ve heard you, it means they are changing the subject to say what they wanted to hear themselves say.

A proper response to:

“Yeah, I know, more and more, we’re detached from the actual act of sex.”

…with actual feedback would have been:

“I think that’s true, just look at how porn portrays people making love: they’re not even face to face half the time.”

It would then have been valid to bring up a new idea, usually its better if it relates and personally, in polite decorum, one apologizes in a mild degree and asks if they can change the subject. This is not simply a matter of respect for the other person, it allows for there to be a change of pace and a line that is drawn between subjects makes for better clarity.

But in this example, as it is, what is being produced through their interaction aside from their original opinions?

How about these two people?

Bill and Jenny are entering a carnival; the entirety of their date takes place inside the small amusement park. They now stand outside its gates waiting in line before a huge crowd to get tickets.

Bill: “Look at these people, their all just like us aren’t they? And yet, we’re miles apart.”

Jenny: “What do you mean?”

Bill: “We’ll even though I hate to be condescending or sound like I’m on a high horse, it’s just that you always get this sort of run of the mill crowd, the rank and file of every town in America or in the world.”

Jenny: “We’ll that’s for sure, nothing new about that.”

Bill: “I know, I know, its just that I notice certain things about people in general wherever I go, I tend to see the same kind of groups emerging.”

Jenny: “And what groups would those be?”

Bill: “Well, you’ve got every hick and redneck going to carnivals and movie theaters these days, you don’t see too many well-to-do’s at a place like this.

Jenny: “Those are hardly more than vague categories, but I know what you mean, I wonder if that has anything to do with these being obsolete forms of entertainment, I mean, you have these huge sprawling amusement parks now, like Six Flags or Kings Dominion, and the movie’s are taken over by video, more specifically, DVD and even internet downloads now.”

Bill: “True, that’s probably the reason actually, I still think carnivals are a sort of weird place too, you know, sometimes I get the same sense at a movie theater, that ‘being-alone, but liking it’ feeling, you know?”

Notice something different with their interaction as opposed to the first one?

The difference in the second example, is that Bill and Jenny are COMMUNICATING.

Their original opinions are being altered through comprehension and feedback.

In communication theory, two people are said to have communicated if and when something is relayed, encoded, and then translated.

What good is it anyway to translate something in your head, and not tell the other person about it?

And that is what I’m saying: that at best, people are just getting a general understanding or even just a ‘feel’ for what you’re saying most of the time.

Ask them to tell you what they think you mean sometime out of the blue, and I almost guarantee you, you’ll catch em off guard.

And hence, most of the time, relationships between people resemble two people, living on two different islands, never having even interacted, though it might look like that’s what’s happening from afar.

I’ve come up with a list of principles, some of which have been covered here and others that are new. In any case, I think these embody the common denominators of all good, even minimal communication.

They can all be observed even in the two examples given, but I assure you if you look at your life, you will find them effective, and you will be astounded at how little you and other people are actually listening to each other at present.

They are the following:

Objectivity: Truth vs. Falsehood: If you aren’t trying to establish the truth of a matter in mutual agreement, what are you trying to do? A conversation cannot be generated without objectivity, since there would be nothing to debate or seek: This means that the primary focus is to establish whether said idea(s) are true or false by means of rational argument.

Rational Argument: What good is talking if nothing is resolved or furthered? The technique of rational argument is a ‘back and forth’ whereby premises are met with objection, and objection is resolved rather than left alone. The process of listening, processing, giving feedback or your opinion about something is unfortunately more often met with another statement. This hardly ever gets anybody anywhere. Ask a question, you will get an answer, this will then enable you grounds for your idea to be integrated into the other person idea, or at the very least, you will be able to pinpoint where disagreement that can’t be resolved, lies, and take action accordingly.

Comprehension & Feedback: Actually listen to what someone says by thinking about what you think it means, to you, to them, and in general. Don’t merely think about it on a superfluous level either, depth is required to really understand, generate possibilities about what you think they mean and ask them if that is the case. Then, give them an integration of your opinion on the matter with theirs. If you disagree tell them why. (If you don’t want to do this, well, then I’m sorry, but you’re fucked and I don’t care about you anyway)

Item for Item Responses: A real discussion is an exchange, an intersection, not a parallel highway; meaning that each and every statement or question is met with feedback to that item as a proposition. The earmark of bad communication is skipping a person’s statement, which only breeds the downward spiral of misunderstanding which usually leads to all things counterproductive, i.e. force.

Questions or Inquiry: My Dad always said that if you aren’t asking a question within at least every 30 seconds of a conversation or debate, you’re losing it. How can you understand what a person is actually saying to you without asking them? The primary way people miscommunicate is probably through lack of asking questions. What ends up happening is that you take what you thought the person means by a given idea, instead of what THEY mean, and since more often than not, it is not identical and most often, totally not what the person meant, you might as well be talking to a gerbil, cat, or horse–all of whom at least won’t scream at you out of misunderstanding.

Skepticism, Delimitation, and Divergence: What good are ideas if you aren’t seeing both sides of the argument? This is a more specific extension of objectivity. We only know something is true, by means of isolating that that idea is X, meaning that there is no other possibility within the realm of what we know. This is tricky because what we know is always limited. This is the reason is so important to always be expanding one’s knowledge, which leads to the next principle: divergence—the constant generation of as many multiple possibilities as you can. Delimitation in its etymology, means to ‘set boundaries around.’ In the realm of ideas, this means that one sets boundaries by understanding what’s outside as well as inside the concept, such as opposing views and why that answer and some other answer is the correct one.

Reason for Claims: Each proposition bears the burden of proof before the next is presented: that is, each new idea must prove itself as valid by gathering facts to back it up within the current frame-work, at which point it is debated and resolved, before continuing. This means in a more specific way that each claim is backed up with a reason for said claim. ‘You know what I mean,’ is not and should never be a sufficient basis for true understanding and communication.

Retrieval-Integration of Past Topics: Old ideas are retrieved upon being relevant, not forgotten, and synthesized or integrated with new ones.

Integration: Each proposition (concept) builds upon the last. That is, the goal of any conceptual conversation is to build a framework of new ideas, which builds from older ideas.

If you have ‘listened’ to this, and are able to master these principles, I assure you, your life and you’re entire understanding of people will be radically transformed into a progressive rather than stagnant or static relationship, into understanding rather than miscommunication, learning in place of ignorance.


Copyright © Neal Cormier 2011 All Rights Reserved

–Neal Cormier is an artist and writer originally from the Washington D.C. area. His concentration is visual art–especially oil painting and graphic novel illustration. He is also an up and coming fiction writer, of whichVesper Heliotropic will be his first full length novel publication with Lulu Inc. Neal’s most current showing was at National Airport in Arlington, VA (March 11 – June 25 in Terminal A). He has sold a variety of pieces to clients from around the world. His artwork has been shown in cafes, bars and galleries in New York City, Washington D.C., Paris and Alençon, France. After high school, Neal attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City and spent four years living in both Brooklyn and Manhattan. He moved to France after this, and spent roughly about the same length of time in the region of Basse-Normandie, northern France. As a result, he speaks French and has a (tall) 9 year old daughter, Lili. He now resides back home in Crystal City, Virginia with his fiancé, Kristin.–

Copyright © Neal Cormier 2011 All Rights Reserved

-Neal Cormier



Web Services

The New Conformity: The Modern Hipster

Conformists are people that fear social rejection to such a degree as to need to ‘fit in’ and by like the people they are in fear of being in rejection of, most. This leads to circles of tightly nit social groups that one can clearly spot displays the following variants of hipster, which today, having completely reversed its meaning, equals what used to be ‘square.’ Hipster, today means conformist. Most people I deal with happen to be hipsters, though no one seems to admit it. Here are a mock list of what I’ve picked up so far:

-They talk about themselves in some kind of 3rd person cute name as per girls.

-They use inside terminology as if everyone outside the loop also understood it. Or know this and use it as a way to fish so they can name drop it. Why do they do this otherwise? Cause they think ALL of reality IS their ‘scene.’

-Everything and anything always or at least 90% relates exclusively in terms of something THEY’VE said.

-They have more than one convenient excuse why they are into one or more currently trendy things to do- i.e. “That’s not why I do roller derby, I do derby because…”

-The absence of personal questions genuinely trying to ascertain what YOU meant in of what interests YOU. -This makes total sense, they have given up the ‘I’ for ‘we’ even more resolutely and soundly, with far more integrity than the most fanatical military officer in Nazi Germany. Personal identity is of no consequence to them because their main value and goal is to assimilate better and better for the sake of the group or whatever’s hip to them which could be a person, style, people, or physical objects, i.e. clothes.

-There is a never ending drivel-lottery of trivial things and events that comprise the rest of their lives. Again this is to reinforce the ‘group mind’ even when they exist in private (not a place they generally like to stay). So they surround themselves with distractions from their boredom and other little things that remind them of ‘their last show.’

Inverted Fascism: Democracy Doesn’t Work

How many lives is it costing us to live the way we live?

If it were certain or even reasonable to think that a more efficient way of life could save those lives, and if certain people are preventing that way of life from emerging, aren’t they then, murderers?

By eliminating the opposition of these people, through whatever means, are we not then acting in self-defense?

Read More…


“Why do you always have to label everything, can’t you just let something just be as it is?”

“Not everything can be categorized, why are you always trying to categorize everything, not everything makes sense.”

I’m writing this post to clarify the error in the branch of the of politically correct culture which seems to be against ‘labels.’

Continue reading