SEO Inertia

Exponential growth of markets online.  such as seen with any feed, is inevitable as long as there is a consistent push. That pushing is embodied by updating, commenting and liking.

(At least this is a big part of the SEO currency for now. The internet, still being in its infancy; has not completely switched away from text. It’s only begun to gain speech in a real way.)

As you grow you will gain followers.

Let me state this again: As you grow you gain followers.

Let me say rather, growth itself necessitates growth; follows. On any scale. The more you have the more people in the exact way that compound interest multiplies; will also multiply. This is the very model of exponential growth.

What most people do as I mistakenly did for years; is to discard the value of these followers because of the initial rate of growth. Theoretically I have known that followers grow exponentially. But now I see the reality of exactly why:

Because people with lesser likes and fewer follows no matter what scale were talking about, will always want to follow and like and generally just be more involved with those with more likes and more followers.

The mistake people make is not to keep pushing but to give up initially which, virtually everyone does.

Part of the reason for that at times, split second resignation, is in thinking in terms of, and so bound by the exact industrial way we are all still used to: Mass marketing.

Instead of saying things to yourself like, “What target audience am I aiming at?” – Say, “what exact group of people do I have now, and how can I capitalize off of those groups that are interested right now?”

Think of groups organically, not categorically. In other words, any group of people, for any reason, on any scale is a viable group so long as they have an interest in what you provide. In any capacity or degree.

Because chances are, your target audience; your true target audience is either way too big or way too narrow for you to reach right now. You need a step ladder, a long one: it is the very inertia of SEO.

I must also remember the other half of the story.

Let me say this succinctly: first I’ll say it crudely: the web is an interest multiplier.

An interest snowballer. But only potentially. Remember that. Remember that the daunting nature of what you face as a producer is very possibly just a man behind a curtain pulling levers. Pull that curtain back, and realize that it was only a curtain. Then pull at those levers yourself.

The more interested you are in other people divests itself not necessarily at the same rate per person nor all the same amount of energy. The overlapping of interests is what gains us an automatic inertia as well.

(It becomes somewhat relative with different interests and spin offs which I will discuss the complication of in a future blog. It’s just more good news for the producer, especially the small time producer.)

This is why it is practical and not too impractical to do constant updating in multiple feeds. The interest that everyone gains from the interest generated from likes and follows from their feeds (in one sense so long as they’re lesser than you are) will have more interest in you than you do in them.

And hence more energy divested. The more that you grow the more that this is the case. So you have a push from behind that you gain. This automatic forward momentum from behind is what I had never counted on. I always thought it would have to be self generated every step of the way. And it grows with size; and as it grows does a lot of the expansional work for you. Indeed by definition as its very nature dictates–more the bigger it is.

The answer to “Why should I even try no one’s going to listen we’re all just typing anyway…?” — is answered finally with the fact of this inertia: you no longer have to have a degree for people to listen to you; just a number of followers that organically change into heterogeneously adaptable groups.

That is, groups that actually change with the waves of interest on the Internet.

This is what big advertisers don’t necessarily want you to know.

The reason that they do not want you to to know this is because corporations are a product of the 20th century. They are divested in making money via interest. But interest as spat out at consumers  required to buy in order to fuel the economy. The new economy is a system of producers and consumers nearly equally If not entirely.

Because anyone with talent should know what I did not: True growth is inevitable given a certain amount of time. All exponential growth is slow at first because it is hard to evaluate the rate of growth rather than just you looking at small numbers. That is, it only appears to grow slowly, the actual equation is working the same way throughout.

The part about this working regardless of scale is why people give up. It’s definitely why I gave up the number of times that I am guilty of.

Let’s recap:

1. Interest sparks growth. I.e. someone likes a blog of yours because you write a blog about cats and they like cats.

2. Growth then attracts and matches growth. Ie. You get enough likes and follows that other people like and follow you. Or on a smaller scale: the one like you gained from that one blog about cats is matched by another like from another person with a blog about cats. Then in turn, someone who likes dogs and cats then follows both of you. See how it is inevitable that you have gained a number of likes from only one? And this keeps happening until you have lots of likes of followers, inevitably.

3. SEO inertia occurs because each like leads to the next group of likes. Remember that it does this because it is agnostic of scale. Scale agnostic. This is the key of the most salient point to the idea I am illustrating. Because we all believe implicitly that low numbers do not attract other low numbers, but they do. They do online anyway.

Then in tandem, numbers of group of likes and follows results in web authority over a given matter within the values of that group.

5. The result is a forward inertia shaped like a pyramid. Meaning that there is more work to do at the bottom than there is as you gain bricks toward the top. Just as it is with any economic model.

6. This model then in turn guarantees its own feedback loop. Which then in turn, also guarantees more growth for less work. Thus guaranteeing exponential growth.

7. How fast or how close that peak of exponential growth is reached by an individual producer, is dictated by how much of a concept the producer has of which so called “points” will triangulate best or rather, the most with other points. In other words, each point is the light for a follow or an update, or an impression that returns a value. The gravity given to each point per value, will yield an inevitable gain. The speed and force of this gain, is facilitated by how interested someone is when they like or follow something. Thus the gravity of points is a value expressed not by the general curve, from beginning to end; but rather by observing points of singularity: the rate of growth when small leaps happen. Observe the rate of the growth of these leaps, and you will be able to project the curve you are entering.

There. I think that does the idea at least a general justice…

– Don’t give up, there are other guerilla marketers out there that will be successful.

On a less negative note If you have anything anyone else on earth could be interested in, You now have the means to reach them.

Like Madonna said: “People say that a great thing never lasts and that it has to fall. Those are the people that did not ammount to much at all.”


I think this is the first time that the Republicans have gotten their teeth kicked in. Like, but–for real kicked in. The polls showed only the perception held by conventional wisdom: that our country is the beam of glowing perpetual thing that never changes, when it actually is based on change in a broader way.

It occurred to me today that I as we all I think have gotten so used to the “right wing” being there that we’d forgotten it could be dented, and more…defamed. This vote on behalf of brave latino black and women voters, finally spoke.

I myself have been a long time polemicist in the way of railing at these very women and minority voters because until now, really they hadn’t stood up for themselves, when doing just that is exactly what they should have resorted to first.

Appeasement of a perpetrator is advocacy of the perpetrator. Yes. And the liberals have finally grown some teeth themselves.

Our Country is Lost.

“Bye bye Miss American pie.”

We are finally experiencing the end of The Enlightenment, and the bitter end of Nationalism.

As Noam Chomsky points out, for instance, “we are very much in the same position Germany was in 1933. People are alienated, atomized and powerless…”

I would add that we also will possess the anger over a forgotten nationalism, as Germany did. That will be revived. Just by whom is the question, and rather than getting a Hitler, which would at least feel vindicating, we get the transnational corporations that have destroyed the old republic, our true democracy.

In Germany in the early 1930’s you could walk into a café, but you would pay a different price for coffee than was on the menu, upon leaving because prices changed every minute. This has not happened yet, but it will unless the liberals completely take over, which I don’t see happening.

We are indeed on the verge of possible hyper inflation, rising threat of serious depression, and to boot, the echo chambers that the internet fragments and decentralizes us into, has polarized point of view to the point where as McLuhan has said, “there will be a day when politics is imagery.”

That day has come.

The Democratic process is halted, stunned, and illusionary. Our country, finally is lost.

America has fallen.

One thing is clear by the reactions to the debate last night: there is no more country; there is no more United States of America.

It was painfully clear that Obama had won the debate with flying colors and that Romney is just a puppet head spouting generalities and catch phrases. Most of Obama’s answers were beyond direct. Even MSNBC had republican spin doctors to throw the concentration back to the republican argument i.e. Lybia of all things and the Rose Garden, since that seemed to be Romney’s most consistent argument.

Obama is a complete moderate and he is being attacked as a radical, when Romney who achieved “socialistic” health care identical to Obama’s in Massachusetts, is deemed middle of the road. The fact that Romney has not been required to drop out of the race for utter hypocrisy is Treason of the highest order.

Yes, he’s had to compromise on immigration and certain other things, but my God, the liberals fail once again to defend themselves, and passivity is worse than the perpetrator in many ways. The President was completely presidential, reacting with bullet point answers to real questions. And yet the debate is still tied. If the liberals would do their jobs keeping an eye on facts in a realer way that has actual teeth to it, we wouldn’t have this insanity.

I do not accept the liberal’s failure to defend our country. If you are a Republican and will vote for Romney, take yourself off my follow list, I am purging every one of my Republican friends from my life forever. This may seem “extremist” yet who has taught you this buzzword? The corporate agenda supported by their personally purchased party, the Republicans.

If you cannot see that Romney has no arguments and is nothing but a corporate rich man puppet out for nothing but personal gain, it as Jefferson says–is time to abandon the democratic process in favor of the hills. It is time ladies and gentlemen.

It is time.

Perspective and Integration

Point of view and philosophy. These are the real reasons. Ideologies that conflict and are mutually exclusive. Not our sacred cows that say everyone will in the end, get along. No way. No way has the main goal of humans to evolve ever democratized. You can’t democratize or civilize humans until they have reached a utopic state. It is that state we fight for. It is that state I fight for. All else is dross.

And that is why the future is automated even in Law, and will inevitably implode into a single point of view. The fight and the loss of most human lives will take place. Probably soon.

The rule of will, will indeed surpass the rule of compassion. Hopefully compassion will be kept. It needs to be kept. It needs to be… …All needs to be integrated. One race, the new human race will survive. A mongrelization hopefully. In all the right ways? Hmmm. I wonder!

The Real Protest

“It’s happening now. Not tomorrow.” – David Bowie, Outside 1994

The Gen-Xers are more picky than the companies are. I never knew the change would come through being spoiled, but it has.

Right now I’m doing an all-new IT Recruitment Website and the company I’m doing it for is flabbergasted about an experience they had with a Gen-Xer candidate who turned down like, I believe her ideal job just because the company in question pissed her off. As a result the owner calls me up and says: “I want the website to be catered to YOUR generation.” It was the first time in my web career someone that owned a company really had ‘endowment’ in the right area, if you get my drift.

I’ve been hearing about recruiters having frustrations with younger, generation-x candidates for web, not taking jobs they really ‘should have’ taken. This is so funny. My father and I have the same difficulty.

What did they expect? We’re the instant gratification generation, even more than the baby boom-disposable income kids: the hippies gone yuppies (my Dad) who ended up being forced into a lower standard of living, only to turn the highest standard of living ever known to mankind in all 100,000 or whatever years of human history–over to their kids: us.

I remember what I grew up with: 7-hour Saturday morning cartoons and complaints about not having movie night, every night. Restaurant night, every weekend.

So last year I was 33 and my father walks into my apartment in Crystal City near D.C. and asks why exactly one needs a 70″ LED Screen. I answer with bravado: I don’t need a 70″, I want the wall to be a TV. I want better than 1080p, I want Kinect, Pizza delivery via my Kinect with cable TV going on in the background, beers, vodka, and I won’t work unless it’s from home–even if I can’t pay the bills.

His naive eyes then roll over the XBox, the PS3, the redundant games we bought cause we couldn’t find one or two of them probably still left in our closet, buried. They lay scattered all over the soft carpeted floor, the nicely warmed condo overlooking the city, both our Macs standing on either side of the Monolith HD Screen like sentries or sphinx, forever guarding our feasts. That Steve Jobs would guarantee our freedom from the Corporate consumer life (basically communist in a weird way) into a realer capitalism. I love capitalism. The Unknown Ideal!

Rotten teeth? Who cares. Death? Who cares. As long as we can have our vices our cake, eat it too, then eat Pizza. Were the bravest generation only because of what brats we are. The question is not: “Where is my iPad?” Because the answer is iPad2, not my frickin’ old ass iPad 1 sitting there in the corner. Why not sell it? It’s buried under laundry. Who wants to do the dishes anyway? Not me.

As the late great Marshall McLuhan I will forever constantly site, has foreseen since the 50’s: That with every newer generation, is a newer level of community involvement. This is where capitalism merges with tribalism to become something we’ve never seen embodied in a medium we are but deer in the headlights to. That is, unless you’re me. Ha.

That’s us, that’s Gen-X. I never knew the great decentralizing social change of our era would be due to a child’s resentment of ‘The Man.’

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Overabundance of information is always the problem.

From a voice file:

This is my own observation. I think that it is inherently cerebral. At the moment. At the moment. I suppose that will change when we are through media able to visualize everything that’s in our heads as some kind of (no doubt) 3d display tech, in which the viewer is now participant for real, in a void or vacuum of a million balloons he must now sort out. But even then that’s cluttered, and we will need once again to sort it out, and once again, if not permanently, overabundance of information is the problem.

Because the Internet is basically text now, and will be inevitably voice dominant in the future (with text only as subsidiary form and filter) –we instinctively have an emphasis on words as filter bits in which we are funneled most of our information whether to each other in bed making love, chatting in our cars while talking to lost loves, or building a website; it is all involvement with the same medium, over and over. Looking at nothing but what are in reality, literally, flat planes through which our eyes pass through maybe a centimeter.

We will then gain the loss of perspective of the New Guinean Jungle tribesman, forever surrounded  by the trees and no perspective, nothing literally beyond a meter or two. Who thought upon visiting as Joseph Campbell and McLuhan point out, thought the buffalo on the horizon were ants. Why? Because for some moments at least, I don’t know, maybe minutes, maybe a day or a week or many years, but the tribesman literally thought the buffalo, boar sized beasts the size of three men put together, were ants crawling somehow in their vision like flies to swat from their faces, and I don’t remember, maybe they did.

The Careerist

Goals are the concretization of ideals, and ideals are inseparable from the self. The result of any separation of these two results in either extreme of a broken person: pragmatism or so-called) idealism as an either-or.

The profit motive is therefore, wrong for the sake of pleasure or aims apart from rational ideals. Survival for one’s own sake, divorced from objectively derived principles which uphold a larger span of life and existence, is a contradiction in terms and can only be attributed to the life and existence of a lower animal.

A Careerist is someone who has chosen both to trump higher ideals, has chosen to be a chicken without a head. Ideals that act apart from the mere lifespan of oneself but do not necessarily act against the self are the only rational course of action to a human life. The abdictation of selfishness in the proper degree, would also be a contradiction to the properly appropriated, enlightened selfish nature of a human being. i.e. Man does not and should not act without pleasure, so long as pleasure or joy does not trump ideals.

So what of the many many situations that naturally and inevtibly arise in life where one can’t have both?

Aside from this and my main point is that both the profit motive as well as one’s own survival for its own sake is what has made the Careerist forsake all else.

It is important to split hairs to a great degree and not give in to the extremist mistakes of the past, i.e. capitalism vs. communism–in that money qua money as an organizational tool, and a tool that grants pleasure to fuel ideals is not wrong and in fact may be very ethically right.
If you doubt that the life of a Careerist is improper to man’s life—observe the modern effects on those individuals that have chosen such a path:

So what are higher ideals and what delimits them against every form of vague and contrite supposition?


In Defense of Aubrey O’day

“The former Danity Kane member dug herself into a hole Monday night in a heated debate on Fox News’ “The Sean Hannity Show” when the 25-year-old singer spewed out claims that both Adolf Hitler and Fidel Castro were “brilliant” men.” (Click link to see the video of the show with Aubrey.)

The PC media is saying “Aubrey O’Day put her foot in her mouth,” but it’s the culture of conformity that really has this time, not Aubrey…Read More

America’s Assault on the Modern Woman

There are two strands of modern American feminism, all other categories seem to be variations of the following two:

1. Conservative Feminism–in which the national mainstream culture’s vision of sex is rejected and made conservative, hence any visual public disclosure of the female body, especially for money, is wrong, and in all cases, an example of male or otherwise, exploitation of women.

2. Liberal Feminism–where the national vision of sex for women is embraced (i.e. free love) and taken in to be a natural function and expression of femininity, even for money, in which the female is viewed as being in control of her life and sexuality, all examples of female public disclosure of her body is viewed as natural and as if she is in control.

Both these visions of the modern female are incorrect and have led to devastating results for American girls and women alike…Read More

Inverted Fascism: Democracy Doesn’t Work

How many lives is it costing us to live the way we live?

If it were certain or even reasonable to think that a more efficient way of life could save those lives, and if certain people are preventing that way of life from emerging, aren’t they then, murderers?

By eliminating the opposition of these people, through whatever means, are we not then acting in self-defense?

Read More…

Electric Dreams: And Some People Want To Keep It That Way


I just got done watching a documentary called ‘Who Killed The Electric Car?’


I wasn’t even aware that there ever even WAS an electric car, let alone, someone who killed its existence. I took the general statement to mean: who prevented the electric car from ever coming into the market place, when actually it meant, who really took it off the road.


And, in fact, in 1996, GM (of all manufacturers) in California, came out with the full monte, real deal, electric car that runs on absolutely no gasoline and does not possess a combustible engine, but rather a cell battery.   


This miracle machine was called the EV1 Electric Car. 


It was fast, real fast, rivaling the speed of normal cars’ acceleration. It could go up to 80 miles on a full charge in a single day which was more than satisfactory considering that apparently and according to the government, the average distance traveled by car by the average car owner is only about 23 miles in a day. 


GM allowed consumers in California merely to lease the vehicles, which in turn allowed GM to be able to repossess the vehicles at will.


Why they did this is what one must read between the lines for. 


To add insult to this mystery, GM did in fact, end up repossessing all the vehicles and destroyed every last one of them, garnering much protest from most of the former owners. 


About 9 months after the car was ‘on the market,’ California Air Resources Board (CARB) mandated, I believe it was, that the auto-manufacturers had to make like 1 out of every 20 automobiles to be BEVs. (Battery Electric Vehicles) ostensibly in order to cut down on emissions. 


Now I can see the sense in cutting down on emissions, but why then and not before? I guess it makes sense considering there never was an electric car on the market in the way the EV1 was. I can understand the car manufacturers feeling singled out I guess. 


On the other hand, the force and thoroughness with which GM followed through in killing the mandate was considerable. 


And they did, they killed it, and killed it for good it seems. 


They even sued CARB through a federal court and got their way. 


Today I saw an ad from Chrysler, which is apparently owned by GM. It was for an electric car. 


Here’s its link on YouTube.


Notice how explicit it is in presenting the car as if it were already out!



My friend, George, called up a dealer and asked about the silver muscle-car-like beauty, expecting to hear about when he could go and see it. 


George: ‘So do you guys really have a fully electric car?’


Dealer Rep: ‘Well…it isn’t really out yet.’


George: ‘Are you serious? But I just saw the commercial for it.’


Rep: ‘Yeah, but it wont be out for another year at least, if even then.’



It isn’t so bad that the company GM, is wating to come out with their electric car, necessarily, but for a car they are advertising for full on, as if it were—IS.


This goes right along with the pattern of GM ‘leading us backwards into the future,’ in the words of Ralph Nader. 


In conjunction with the 1996 beyond peculiar decision to repossess a (full-on) consumer product through the bizarre leasing of the vehicles, it kinda makes one wonder what the motive of auto-manufacturers really is.


With the EV1 story that resembled a cover-up more than it did a business practice, and the oil companies buying out Washington, I really tend to think this is less about business for GM and more about external pressures, and someone else’s business.


Seriously, why would an auto-manufacturer test out consumer demand by leasing out electric cars that ended up in a landfill?


Why is GM still so cautious about putting out an electric car now when people seem to be chomping at the bit for the idea? The EV1 was extremely successful a product with the mere 80 or so owners who got them. 


Or does this really have more to do with the fact that GM is concerned about how the oil companies will fare beyond the era of the combustible engine?  


This, while they bide their time keeping the consumer at bay with false ad campaigns with no inherent indication of being at all a ‘concept-car’ as they claim it is.


Be sure it is companies like GM who are keeping the dream of an electric car, just that.