
One can know things by inference. That is, if knowledge is defined by repeatable events met with repeatable actions corresponding to a probabilistic context of the same variables. And it is always this basis, the ones in control are always maintaining don’t exist.


Total Man

The concept of a fully integrated human being.

Meaning all compartments are one. Work life, sex life, car life, all gone. Made into one thing. With the coming of the Internet, the office life ends and brings it into the home. The end of privacy inside the bubble of inclusive space reigns supreme.

Primarily though, this can be seen in one’s ideology where belief is often dichotomized from action; splintered into a thousand social bubbles. Pull this way, or that.

The individualist society’s of the past where one can play two or three, or ten sides of a fence, as seen most notably in House of Cards for instance; will take over. This is another part of what ensures the eventual demise of national authority as cultural overseer. Corporations took over the job of the post-war government stronghold and pushed it into fruition with the 60’s. Now it is the Corporation, the next centralist system to be taken down. The next paradigm, the feudal niche.

Winners are the Weak. A Call to Radical Action: Join a Colony.


I have given up much in the name of my principles. I have seen very few people even hold, when I’m really honest with myself; (other than my fiancé 🙂 to any standards at all other than framed by what can be traced directly to mere survival. I am lucky to be in love with someone who holds to standards outside their mainstream society; a feat far greater than I’d ever imagined for people.

My own betrayal lies in associating myself (in the past) with those who are really despite all facades (and they can be convincing) devoid of culture. But what is culture you might ask? Our postmodern sensibilities tell us it is after all, all relative. I know better, and that the reality is that these are the last vestiges of The Enlightenment we are seeing, now finally disappearing.

The paragraph itself has shrunk in the last 30 years to one fifth its size. Art has become decorative and really nothing more. The idea of introspection is a rumor and conditioned out of the population. Music is on its last legs. Soon, and especially Americans will be nothing more than overly informed savages. People, for the most part work at meaningless jobs that work to no greater end. As Chomsky points out, it is very reminiscent in America of the 1930’s Germany: “People are down and out, not even knowing what to be frightened of.”

At the same time the Military is about to be so powerful in human history, that we are probably witnessing the last days of resistance. It’s going to be impossible soon. Like, actually too powerful to overthrow. The population will spread so thin that we will all be made into Tokyo like cells for rooms. A mob of the unemployed is coming and so are televised executions. We’re looking at 12 Monkeys and 1984 as tame renditions of our future.

Radical action is the only action we can afford and still have a chance and changing the direction of the tide. I only conceive of what is necessary in my nightmares. I remember a time when getting pulled over meant you were innocent until proven guilty. Now we work to prove our innocence. Museums are for show, galleries; ostensible.

The nightmare is here and we are in it. The only thing to do is collect those last people that still care about education, art, culture, wisdom, philosophy…poetry… Collect each other, start colonies, drop out of the vacuum “culture” we live in.

I remember the scene in 12 Monkeys where Bruce Willis’s character sticks his head out the car window and breathes in the air, exclaiming “SO FRESH!” Then, putting on a little music, lapping the sounds up like honey… see this movie, understand what movies and stories like it are saying. Their real message lies in a premonition: we are on the verge of the total nightmare: WAKE UP.

Organization of people into decentralized colonies is totally feasible, even without the grid due to all the technologies the people now possess. Any participation in the traditional society is about completely meaningless. Peer to peer is what the Internet made possible on a scale never before seen in human history. And no one has really caught on to its true potential. It is my goal to seek those out who also wish to drop out, to drop in. Humans have the ability to predict their fates to a degree far more than the other animals. Make no mistake, there is THEY. Let’s not let Them take that away from Us, too.

The distance between an idea and its living reality is perception and possibility.

The distance between an idea and its living reality is perception and possibility. This distance is what prevents convergence of point of view, forever enslaving us to endless wars with ourselves.  People must get in touch with the deeply implicit, subtle embedded cultural and familial assumptions and behaviors behind their point of view–in order to see around their point of view.

What you thought was a wall, is actually four walls with no encasing “house.” But the thing is, you think of it as a real house. And you see it as a collection of things, but you may have forgotten a telescope and windows.

This “non-house” includes these four walls with four doors.

The doors lead to no where but other non-houses with other non doors. But you are distracted from this fact because there may be many things in these “rooms,” but only things you have already found. You start to feel you are discovering things when you’re really unearthing things. Both are important.

The thing is that all the walls and doors exist, but since they go no where, they might as well really just not. This is the same with playing only chess with yourself: you are acting without an external purpose, and will only repeat already discovered walls and doors.

The illusion of this house is the root of our doom until consciousness makes it our invariable salvation.


Just think of all the horrible social rabbit holes there are out there to fall into.

…And sometimes never get out of.

I think of my younger readers who might be thinking of the whole growing up thing… Be warned, watch out for these things.

  • College – I went to the top art school in the world. Or one of them, SVA in New York City. It wasn’t a waste of money per se, but that’s largely if not wholly because of New York. I had millionaire art teachers…artists, real artists. But they were more artists than teachers and the Fine Art Dept was so well underfunded that they get your mind into thinking that old out of date supplies were a luxury out of sheer brochures. 😉

– Sex – makes you slave to an unwanted pregnancy or a line of products from condoms, to you name it.

  • Your Job – makes you actually work for the people you are most likely buying from, and perpetuates a mentality of conservatism which leads to low growth.
  • Your Parents – Who taught you “so who’s happy,” or “pride go it before a fall,” “don’t get too big for your britches,” “go to college” (even though you’ll be a slave to your loans and be forced against risks and you end up having to take that easy route for the sake of security. And then… Well, then they’ve got you haven’t they?
  • Guilt and Shame – Our society is rife with it, and would most certainly have you believe otherwise.
  • DUTY. This is the most important one I think. And the most insidious. THE EXPECTED HIEARCHY OF SOCIETY. This is how soldiers are made; how mean are in the end, able to be convinced by means of propaganda and hype, to go to a place and fight a people they’ve never seen, and pay the highest price.
  • The 40 Hour Work Week. Studies are showing from a British think tank I forget the name of now, but that firmly has studies to show that 60% of the time a worker is producing, a good one, and a 20 hour work week is more efficient if work is upped to a much higher percentage. Besides, freelancing, hello?
  • FOOD. Eating out costs me in full blown form, around $800 to $1200 per month. Just to fucking feed myself. Groceries all month, around $400. Yeah. We shant fail to menton of course that our overly consumerized super markets geared toward sodium and sugar and convenience…are also something we should try and avoid. Shop more organic and local, find stores for specific needs.

Don’t entirely avoid these of course, as they tend to be the fruits of life after all. But they are certainly items that society will try and use against you. Don’t fall into it. That’s all I’m saying.

This list will be added to and go on, but for now, I ask you out there, you people: is it really worth it if your life isn’t extraordinary?

God’s Good Earthen Soil – Dystopic Sci-Fi – Vesper Heliotropic Excerpt

She also and weirdly, knew that his daughter was no longer ‘present’ on God’s Good Earthen Soil, either. Harietta Damiand had died in a horrible Hover accident involving several or more automobiles. She was nine at the time of her death.

He had loved her, like Daddy’s do. Or like, Daddy’s can. To complicate things, Johanna, his wife was going senile. Her sudden dementia was combatted with restructuring software and everything, but in the end, she just slipped away.

This made things more convenient for him of course, especially. Harietta had been made of God’s Good Flesh when she lived. She was made of God’s Own Good Born Silicate and now, well now, she was made of wood. Dr. Damiand, resurrected her by copying what the Intra-Portable Equiv-MRI Bot, that is, the brain software, had recorded…

…Read More of Vesper Heliotropic Book II. RACHAEL Here!

Vesper Heliotropic Dystopic Sci-Fi Novel

American Circles

A catch 22 in my def is when the the result of the origin, self perpetuates the former. 

i.e. Girls wait for guys to contact them in this country, always. 

Why? Because guys always want it and girls know they’ll wait for them.  

Why? Cause they’re sexually repressed. 

Why? Cause girls mothers and fathers protect them too hard in this country while ads slam their self esteem back to the stone age. 

Guys, in turn, think of girls as commodities, and in turn, sluts. This makes the opposite dichotomous which leads to either-or style personalities i.e.– Virgin Mary’s. 

Which in turn, then makes for fewer women to give guys sex, which they need. Which then makes guys aggressive and angry. Which, in turn, makes girls think guys are assholes. And they end up that way. Both sexes do. 

Fuck America. Too bad I  love it too much, in some ways, it’s the best we got, but man…

Such is still the American dating conundrum. 

The Real Protest

“It’s happening now. Not tomorrow.” – David Bowie, Outside 1994

The Gen-Xers are more picky than the companies are. I never knew the change would come through being spoiled, but it has.

Right now I’m doing an all-new IT Recruitment Website and the company I’m doing it for is flabbergasted about an experience they had with a Gen-Xer candidate who turned down like, I believe her ideal job just because the company in question pissed her off. As a result the owner calls me up and says: “I want the website to be catered to YOUR generation.” It was the first time in my web career someone that owned a company really had ‘endowment’ in the right area, if you get my drift.

I’ve been hearing about recruiters having frustrations with younger, generation-x candidates for web, not taking jobs they really ‘should have’ taken. This is so funny. My father and I have the same difficulty.

What did they expect? We’re the instant gratification generation, even more than the baby boom-disposable income kids: the hippies gone yuppies (my Dad) who ended up being forced into a lower standard of living, only to turn the highest standard of living ever known to mankind in all 100,000 or whatever years of human history–over to their kids: us.

I remember what I grew up with: 7-hour Saturday morning cartoons and complaints about not having movie night, every night. Restaurant night, every weekend.

So last year I was 33 and my father walks into my apartment in Crystal City near D.C. and asks why exactly one needs a 70″ LED Screen. I answer with bravado: I don’t need a 70″, I want the wall to be a TV. I want better than 1080p, I want Kinect, Pizza delivery via my Kinect with cable TV going on in the background, beers, vodka, and I won’t work unless it’s from home–even if I can’t pay the bills.

His naive eyes then roll over the XBox, the PS3, the redundant games we bought cause we couldn’t find one or two of them probably still left in our closet, buried. They lay scattered all over the soft carpeted floor, the nicely warmed condo overlooking the city, both our Macs standing on either side of the Monolith HD Screen like sentries or sphinx, forever guarding our feasts. That Steve Jobs would guarantee our freedom from the Corporate consumer life (basically communist in a weird way) into a realer capitalism. I love capitalism. The Unknown Ideal!

Rotten teeth? Who cares. Death? Who cares. As long as we can have our vices our cake, eat it too, then eat Pizza. Were the bravest generation only because of what brats we are. The question is not: “Where is my iPad?” Because the answer is iPad2, not my frickin’ old ass iPad 1 sitting there in the corner. Why not sell it? It’s buried under laundry. Who wants to do the dishes anyway? Not me.

As the late great Marshall McLuhan I will forever constantly site, has foreseen since the 50’s: That with every newer generation, is a newer level of community involvement. This is where capitalism merges with tribalism to become something we’ve never seen embodied in a medium we are but deer in the headlights to. That is, unless you’re me. Ha.

That’s us, that’s Gen-X. I never knew the great decentralizing social change of our era would be due to a child’s resentment of ‘The Man.’

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

How Do You Know When You’re Right?

 Or at least more right, more often than not.

 The answer? By constructing an amendable matrix. Of differing lists.

 Along with the following concepts:




Rationality                       MATRIX





The concepts I don’t cover out of not having time to write more, you’re going to have to look up, but most of these are here at least used in a context.

1. I want you to think whether or not you consider yourself a follower or a leader, a conformist or a free thinker.

Okay, got that?

2. Now I want you to make a list of all the things you think of as 100% true in reality.

3. Then list all the things you know for 100% are agreed upon by all of your friends. You might notice that this is a very different list. It should be and would be the more you are a leader. As long as those truths remain rational.

4. Now list all the things you can think of that are ambiguous truths. These must be things in reality you really don’t have much of a clue about.

5. Then list all the things you think are good at. You can even make different lists so long as you identify them with an attribute that connects with reality.

6. Now list all the things you are passionately interested about.

7. Now list all the things you could care less about.

8. Then the things you are completely indifferent to.

9. The extent to which you are surprised is the round about extent to which you are aware or not.

10. Weed out contradictions or suspend them and proactively research the proper relevant information.

11. Combine and group similarities and make the proper conclusions and put them into their respective boxes: i.e. Deduction is the 100% true category. Induction is the ambiguous category.

Experiment by making shorter and longer lists. The point is to make you more aware via cross referencing elements that would never have co-occurred.

Howard Gardnener is his book Frames of Mind, points out that children begin by mere association i.e. Hammer and nail are more similar than hammer and screwdriver. Ayn Rand points out that we later (if we become rational people) move onto abstraction, removing and therefore grasping similarities and differences and then remembering them.

Your brain doesn’t integrate similarities across the board in a wide-scale fashion necessarily, it is extremely easy to default to compartmentalization. This is what the Matrix gives you: regardless of whether one element is right or wrong, the total context as a categorical board that progressively links and groups things together, is called mental integration. It is this that is most severely missing from our cultural understanding.

The question “How do you know when you’re right,” is an important one, but the real question is “How does a fairly rational person live an intelligent life in a culture that is severely and self-confessed to be anti-intellectual and is in fact highly irrational?”

That is the last concept I will give you today to chew on. Make no mistake, I have more often than not wound up correct in more situations than anyone I know, relative to my interests.

Practice Matrix List Making and I guarantee you will learn something substantial about yourself and reality. Keep these lists and even write them up in a program like Excel, Adobe Illustrator, etc. The computer makes it real easy. That is, until I come out with  the cognitive learning software to do it for you 😉

Temporary Like Achilles

It’s hard to know who a traitor is.

“Treason doth never prosper. Why? Because if treason prospered, none dare call it treason.” – JFK, Oliver Stone

The major reigning institution of our time, primarily government dominated corporatism, or oligarchy, a business run society, finds it convenient to pour propaganda into believing in the Achilles tendon approach to life and logic by always going after non-sequitors to debunk claims.


Well consider that most people you know are probably oriented toward reasoning that looks for anything to disprove any theory. Whether you know it or not. I’ve even been duped by the present form of business and remnant Christendom in the form of skepticism.

That is, the skeptic movement is extremely convenient for big business that depends on making big theories into hash. We don’t see it but it’s there. For the right, the American oligarchy is trying pit the right against the left out of poking ‘holes’ in evolution. For the left, big business is trying to poke holes in anything philosophical that challenges the so-called capitalist story while supporting judeo-christian values in their propaganda. Its kind of like when I saw all of a 4 year old cousin’s Lego set of you know, random houses and people painted all in red white and blue. The advertising agenda had a conservative parental strategy in mind to sell patriotic Lego sets.

I’ve witnessed the veiling of christian ethics in the guise of the real and true science of skepticism, (vs. the philosophy I believe to be inherently flawed) which I believe in good enough numbers, to be a hidden Christian movement, as many skeptics are also former Church goers. Michael Shermer, a former Christian himself and now a leader of the skeptics movement is a poster boy for the allegedly converted atheist. Yet he is extremely populist in Rhetoric and the Things he writes about Tend to be politically motivated, yet, go figure–sound in content. Practically being raised atheist, myself, I see where the interpersonal gaps are.

The truth is not in what we’re saying (cause people will think your crazy) but even the most adamant conservative brainwashed Fox News junky, or conditioned liberal MSNBC monk, will reveal things about how desperate they feel through implicit means such as inflection, but also content, when their living space is under attack. My late grandfather, a very conservative christian former WW2 Colonel railed against corporate clear cutting of forests in Maine, as said, only cause he lived there, but still, it shows what people actually believe once their interests are threatened.

I’ve had 4 close friends pose as Intellectuals who are actually touting status quo religious attitudes. Funny enough, I have to admit I am partially a religious thinker in method. That is, I think the mental process of  rapture is necessary to a healthy epistemology. Another story for another time.

I am not saying that all skeptics are synonymous with Christian values, but that business is profiting off of playing one group against another so that the acquisition of threatening quantities of Capitol are kept at shallow equadistant levels for the common ‘Peasantry.’ According to Michael Moore which I later verified, Citibank group leaked a document describing the American people as ‘Peasantry.’

It’s no secret that those in power consider things from a medieval point of view since their real business is power and force. Global domination. At present I do not see major signs that the global corporate agenda is coming at all exclusively from the right, though it may.

My point here is that people are translating bottom lines into lived philosophy. The bottom line inside the corporate model, is a job in which (unless it’s tech, and most often even then) you must work all of your vital weekly hours inside someone else’s dream of your life. This consumer model environment has been rendered temporary by the advent of the Internet and its decentralization of culture. Meanwhile centralized authority strives to make all countries sit stagnant together, as Chomsky points out, into ‘a low wage equilibrium’ within a blanket of constant war and low scale innovation. He has a tantamount quantity of controlled evidence to support this.

So when a close friend or family tells you that trying to get rich is a pipe dream,they may be correct, or they may not, but don’t ever close the door on any idea because people are telling you it just isn’t gonna happen. What you’re confronting is not an opinion, but very possibly, a conditioned reflex.

Sent from my iPad

Philosophy is Real

In this blog, I will indicate why abstract, philosophical action is especially appropriate as it pertains to domestic situations.

If a computer is given a set of files and folders it can’t find, it let’s you know. It does this with an error, or used to just shut down. My Dad’s Apple IIc would making a grinding sound akin to pulling tantamount quantities of air into your lungs through your nose and a straw.

To a human, with relativity to a large abstract concept called: life–these files and folders are meant to be inserted as input; instructions on how to translate the incoming data into a course of action. (Rand)

What is this action? Living. What is living? Rand says it’s the process of self-sustaining and self-generated action. I say that it is the reactive system & environment between individual and often collective action that passes through moments, space and time. Something like that.

In any case, if life consists of moments, there are qualities and quantities to these moments, ups and downs, input and output. When there is an inappropriate file in another folder, we often make things up to cover it up. I did. For years. But since ethics does not exist in reality and can only exist through the thoughtful reasoned, full integration of consciousness–my fundamental principles remain absolute.  Link here.

A full integration of consciousness on a literal level is not possible without technology. However, I  do think that a conscious philosophy is not only necessary, but essential to resolving lived situations and ‘advancing in life.’ This is the same thing as saying “Think top-down,” since philosophy is a top-down system. It has to be, the amount of information it has to deal with is too broad to be examined in terms of anything else. Concepts as Peikoff says, are the Algebra of cognition.

Like a book entailing how to run a computer ‘program’ like Drupal or write code like PHP, style in CSS, etc–we have a choice to read bottom up or top down. (Source on top-down-bottom-up thinking in this example: Author of “SVN” by OReilly)

When you read top-down, you are trying to get an over view, and this often sounds very superfluous to us. It did to me for many years without that concept, and as a result, like the absence of any idea, it results in large errors.

The analogy of the The Maze and the Revolving Orb comes to mind. These analogies are my own.

The Maze is all the situations we live in that we must pass through since we must walk forward. If we go back, in ‘philosophical space,’ we die which in reality means stagnancy and its inevitable end result: death.

The Revolving Orb is what’s directly in front of us, obscuring (very Platonic and sort of New-Agey I know) our vision from what’s in front of us.

Can we stop? No. Can we look to the sides? Yes, you can only see in your peripheral though and its often very blurry but can also be sharp if you look closely. The Orb never stops turning, but relays on its revolving, undulating surface, that which is in front of you and also, the maze itself, invconveniently located as an overlay, a metling transparecny of the entire Maze.

So let me complete the analogy: Philosophy is the Orb. Life is what’s in the maze itself along with its walls. The more we learn about philosophy, the clearer what is front of us becomes as the Orb merely CAN relay (say in pixels) what is in front of us, but does not necessarily relay the right thing at all even.

So say you have an angry head. What’s in front of you will be distorted or made of characters that aren’t really there. If you take your anger and reason it, what’s in front of you might become clear. But there’s no indication that what is on the Orb is true other than your ability to navigate the Maze and find your way out.

Most people are using peripheral sight in place of the Orb. Literal fragmented vision in place of a birds eye: Philosophy, a conscious, maintained fully actualized way of life.

We live in a world to whom philosophy is invisible. Why has it remained invisible?

Philosophy began as a way to explain things, nothing more and it keeps its roots because of one of its branches: metaphysics. Metaphysics deals not merely with reality itself, but with absolute reality. In the universe, this is literally that which is permanent to it.

Think about that.

Stars might be one literal thing. Planets maybe. Solar systems. Okay, but what about the things we can’t see and often can’t even feel? What permanent things are there that we can’t see? Is Freedom something we can touch and see? Sure it is, we are free to go outside and smell the air and the flowers.

But this isn’t freedom, is it?

Freedom is the ability to have options. Options are granted via a law that protects us from other people infringing on us. In our society. Why is this? Because the alternative as Rand says, is a gun and everything that comes with that.

So what happens when people say “I don’t need privacy, the law takes care of that.” Yeah. Well, this is the same way I feel when talking and dealing with people who care not to have a conscious philosophy.

It’s very much like the scene in Scarface with Toni Montana talking to the Banker in his own home. In this scene, Toni has a complete misconception of banking, banking systems and is uneducated so knows very little about money or Economics. As the result of this he wishes to hold all his money in cash in his house or go with another bank. The Banker tells him not to be a Schmuck and that he’s paying the extra taxes he’s balking on,  for security. Rather than actually reason or look into this, he tells the guy to leave. He merely smiles and tells him to say Hi to his wife for him. Toni has believed something abstract about his situation, it’s not that he hasn’t. He understands that Bankers are people that need to make money and that this banker could be cheating him. Cared he to articulate it, and that’s exactly my point. Toni even with his own limited information could still ask the question: “What is my knowledge based on in this instance?” Upon seeing not too much in front of him from the recall done to files and folders in his mind, he brings up that he doesn’t really have very much. As the result of this, a normal person would conclude that they need more input.

And in terms of philosophy (the conceptual bird’s eye in relation to the concept life and how we live it along with what reality as a whole is) this is virtually anybody I meet since I live in U.S. Or really anywhere, but especially in my country.

The Orb to someone who does not have a conscious philosophy, is highly distorted at best.

So what about the argument that contends that we don’t need philosophy in practical reality?

My first answer to this is: “You’re right.” My second is: “For You.”

In reality this is the same thing as saying “I don’t really need to know my wife’s motivations, I just need to love her.” Or: “I don’t need to study up to know that women are generally weaker than men.”

How about: “Black people are inferior.” Still convinced you don’t need philosophy?

But science does that, you might say. And yet Science even in method now, is the historical evolution of philosophy itself.

The Real Reason: I hear about how philosophy couldn’t mean less, often in situations where it could make a difference, the most.

Watching TV shows is oddly a good source to learn about all of philosophies in action. I recommend Six Feet Under for an honest view and Rome or the movie Gladiator for an exaggerated but keen eye into the importance of personal politics and philosophy.

There’s one thing missing though…

What in the Maze analogy is moving us again? Aside from ultimate death and ongoing prolonged torture or whatever else, why do we need to move forward? There is even a good amount of scientific evidence to suggest that without exercise, the body atrophies. So does the mind. And so does philosophy, contained, by the way, by means of the mind. So if we must move forward in life, how fast? What sets its speed?

My answer for now is this: Adjust the speed for yourself, but don’t let the speed distort what you see in front of you. What do you see in front you?



Analytic-Synthetic Dichotomy

“A principle of abstraction is said to be conceptual when the items upon which it abstracts are concepts, and it is said to be objectual when the items upon which it abstracts are objects….Objects are referred to by means of singular terms and concepts by means of predicates; and variables for objects and concepts are respectively taken to occupy either a nominal or a predicative position. Although concepts may correspond to objects, no concept can sensibly be said to be an object, since this would involve a grammatical confusion between a singular term and a predicate.” – The Limits of Abstraction, Kit Fine

“An abstraction is a selective mental focus in which some items and/or aspect s of reality are separated from all others. A concept is a group of units united by a definition (common denominator) with their particular measurements omitted. ” – Ayn Rand

The first example is from modern philosophy. The second from an actual, realistic understanding. Notice something about the first one?

Ultimately is a declaration that reality has nothing to do concepts and vice versa. Note that he doesn’t say that “concepts correspond to reality,” he said that “concepts MAY correspond to reality,” and he said “no concept can sensibly be said to be an object, since this would involve (some kind of semantic) contradiction.” He did NOT say that this would present a contradiction, nor that it would constitute a total surrender of concepts period, since concepts by nature, MUST refer to objects in reality, either ultimately, or indirectly through abstractions from abstractions.

Shouldn’t surprise me, but it does. And this is what is SO great about Rand and everyone finds it so in vogue still to tear her down. She has identified the split modern minds have made between philosophy and reality, while never the two shall meet.

The backwards fish

Big Fish Being Eaten By Little Fish. Yes it is. YES!

Big Fish Being Eaten By Little Fish. Yes it is. YES!

Or should I say the backwards fish, food chain, like fish eating themselves literally backwards…? The metaphor = Consider what will happen when apps and software write themselves?

And developers are still saying hand coding is the answer. NO! SEO, Mobile, Apps, Tablet tech, iPad, individuals, consultants—in short the corporate structure is imploding! This means that consultant firms and hi tech tele-conference level companies (even if they operate from a garage) are trumping and will take over high dollar brick and mortar Enrons and Walmarts, not to mention even Microsofts and eventually, sorry guys, yes even Google will become too automated to employ anyone en masse, even their best scientists will write their own coffins. The apps they create will make them into content, and hence, we will be mere personalities rather than primarily producing agents: service becomes personal. That is, the personal life on that level, is over.

The reason they are still saying this is because one, they think I don’t know how to code, (CSS JS, jQuery, HTML5 etc..) and two, they themselves treat the web like a 57 Chevy, a technology we know has little functional use, and everything to do with girls and biology if you catch my drift.

Anyway, as McLuhan says, every technology that becomes obsolete (in the Marshall McLuhan sense) is then treated as and hence becomes art form like as always the photo that created the impressionists. Anyhoo, you should check out iBooks Author if you think the web is going to be specialist in nature, think again. eBook and Mobile app related tech is going to take over and this is where the little fish begin eating the bigger game on up the food chain. That is, think of it this way. Apps and tech iBooks Author, Drupal, Joomla, Expression Engine, popup, semantic tech, or any code generator and of course all other mobile related technologies, (and now even validators and customizers!) —in Short apps can essentially be automated.

Consider as an ebook author, myself, I can say that without the intiital start of open source technology, I wouldn’t have a roof over my head. iBooks author is FREE and allows my father who is a poet and doesn’t know a lick of code to save his life, can now publish on a nothing less than totally professional platform able to insert images, video, manipulate text, etc. not to mention the most important: it connects as an iBook straight to iBooks! Yikes. Talk about no more big fish. Open source Drupal Content Management System is doing the same thing, code writers become code manipulators. Meanwhile SEOers and Mobile apps writers, which have you heard of xCode for Mac? Auto GUI that totally allows people who don’t know objective C to output albeit limited, but fresh professional functional content. And only limited for now, Drupal is connecting at a startling rate with its D7 release that streamlines for Social Media, Semantic and SEO markup and of course, HTML5. Funny that PHP5 represented the same code shift that HTML5 does, and yet no hype really…

And have you even looked at HTML5? Code flows like a painting. The markup in HTML5 is completely auto-semantic oriented. Tags are shrunk, more CSS style and near ontological. Actually it is computer termed ontological because its a finally decent level of object oriented HTML. Plus video. I shouldn’t say plus video, it is video! Much simpler to boot. Did I say streamlined? Backwards compatible? – Backwards IS small fish eating big fish. – See, even code is becoming implosional, shrinking faster than the paragraph.  The paragraph which by the way over the last 30 years in books and just about everything, shrank by about 75%. (!!!)

The curve is always and has always been, always will be automation. Since the wheel automated the rotation of the feet, so too will apps and open source CMS’s semantic knowledge, web savvy and GUI tech will replace hand coding altogether. Even customization which is now reaching a premium cannot escape the curve of automated technology as even now we can see the apps becoming more and more complex as people like my Dad learn via app software on their Blackberries or iPhones. Mac has really spearheaded this with their iWork software. Bought my Dad a Mac Space Shuttle (21″ LED Screen 2011 iMac) in May I think. Loves it. He’s now writing and publishing on POD via Another vanity publisher right? Like Amazon I suppose that just announced the top 30 eBook millionaires. Oh those are just he big fish right? Yet there are plenty of self-published romance novelists paying their rent with the sales of nothing but their books.

It’s important to know what you need to know to get ahead and that is, drum roll…Mobile, Semantic, Asyncronous, Decentralized, App Driven, Apple Monopoly (for now), no JS, jQuery, Frameworks…all this is the infancy of what will later be the HAL9000. If the web doesn’t become another NASA. Or maybe NASA is just a sleeping giant. 3D is next. And how long is now?


– Copyright © Neal Cormier 2011 All Rights Reserved –

Neal Cormier is an artist and writer originally from the Washington D.C. area.

– – His concentration is visual art–especially oil painting and graphic novel illustration.


He is also an up and coming fiction writer, of which Vesper Heliotropic is his first full length novel publication with Amazon, Barnes and Nobles (eBooks) and Lulu Inc. (for paperback & hardcover) Neal recently had a showing at National Airport in Arlington, VA (March 11 – June 25 in Terminal A). He also, and even more recently, had a first book signing for Vesper Heliotropic at The Midtown Scholar, a local hipster style bookstore in downtown Harrisburg, PA.

Neal has sold a variety of pieces to clients from around the world. His artwork has been shown in cafés, bars and galleries in New York City, Washington D.C., Paris and Alençon, France.

After high school, Neal attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City and spent four years living in both Brooklyn and Manhattan. He moved to France after this, and spent roughly about the same length of time in the region of Basse-Normandie, northern France. As a result, he speaks French and has a (tall) 9 year old daughter, Lili. He now resides back home in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania with his fiancé, Kristin.

List of Art & Media By Neal Cormier

Art & Blog

Web Design/Development Services

The Novel’s Website

– Vesper Heliotropic is a general teen/adult sci-fi ebook, paperback and hardcover, and is a Steampunk(ish) serial novel. The first written publication is OUT NOW VIA on PAPERBACK and SPECIAL-JACKETED HARDCOVER, and is available for THE AMAZON KINDLE as well as BARNES AND NOBLES NOOK EBOOKS. VESPER HELIOTROPIC, THE CRYSTAL TURBINES SERIES GRAPHIC NOVEL IS ALSO OUT NOW ON FULL COLOR GLOSSY PAPERBACK! 46 Pages Full Color Interior and Exterior – ONLY $19.99! –

Vesper Heliotropic Book I. CRYSTAL TURBINES by Neal Aaron Cormier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Vesper Heliotropic Book I. CRYSTAL TURBINES © Copyright 2011 Neal Cormier All Rights Reserved
Visit the Author’s Website – Neal Cormier Art


22. Dara’s House

RD AUTO Message: CCCC, CCC 26, Octobre 2089 – Washington D.C.Main-Line USC-CAMBIAN City Territory: ‘CAMBIAN CITY’ |

The morning was still a bit nauseated and Camille’s eyes were trying to stay open.

Her body had collapsed on the dark wood booth seat, her head lay slapped atop folded arms.

“You okay girl?” This was the soft, deep voice of Dave, the head cook at Coswa’s.
“I said, are ya aight?”
Her face sprouted up for the briefest of moments through her eyes that looked punched shut.
David said nothing but looked over her with a fond smirk. At least he did at first, then seemed to be inspecting her with his eyes as his body gradually lunged over her back and head, as if he were about to pounce her. He quickly retreated when he heard a loud noise and figured the rest of the wait staff was probably at the door.

“Okay, yeah, I’m fine,” Camille said, finally.…Keep Reading…



– Copyright © Neal Cormier 2011 All Rights Reserved –

Neal Cormier is an artist and writer originally from the Washington D.C. area.

– – His concentration is visual art–especially oil painting and graphic novel illustration.

He is also an up and coming fiction writer, of which Vesper Heliotropic is his first full length novel publication with Amazon, Barnes and Nobles (eBooks) and Lulu Inc. (for paperback & hardcover) Neal recently had a showing at National Airport in Arlington, VA (March 11 – June 25 in Terminal A). He also, and even more recently, had a first book signing for Vesper Heliotropic at The Midtown Scholar, a local hipster style bookstore in downtown Harrisburg, PA.

Neal has sold a variety of pieces to clients from around the world. His artwork has been shown in cafés, bars and galleries in New York City, Washington D.C., Paris and Alençon, France.

After high school, Neal attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City and spent four years living in both Brooklyn and Manhattan. He moved to France after this, and spent roughly about the same length of time in the region of Basse-Normandie, northern France. As a result, he speaks French and has a (tall) 9 year old daughter, Lili. He now resides back home in Crystal City, Virginia with his fiancé, Kristin.

List of Art & Media By Neal Cormier

Art & Blog

Web Design/Development Services

The Novel’s Website

– Vesper Heliotropic is a general teen/adult sci-fi ebook, paperback and hardcover, and is a Steampunk(ish) serial novel. The first written publication is OUT NOW VIA on PAPERBACK and SPECIAL-JACKETED HARDCOVER, and is available for THE AMAZON KINDLE as well as BARNES AND NOBLES NOOK EBOOKS. VESPER HELIOTROPIC, THE CRYSTAL TURBINES SERIES GRAPHIC NOVEL IS ALSO OUT NOW ON FULL COLOR GLOSSY PAPERBACK! 46 Pages Full Color Interior and Exterior – ONLY $19.99! –

88x31.pngVesper Heliotropic Book I. CRYSTAL TURBINES by Neal Aaron Cormier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License Vesper Heliotropic Book I. CRYSTAL TURBINES © Copyright 2011 Neal Cormier All Rights Reserved Visit the Author’s Website – Neal Cormier Art

18. Home Owners – VESPER HELIOTROPIC – Random Sample

A huge CAMBIAN Flag came out of the awning of Helen’s porch, making it look really small in comparison. Dwarfed beside it like a little sister, were the stars and stripes of the old republic–of course, the USC.

The Inner CAMBIAN core Emblem as it was framed in a circle, not a square. The CAMBIAN Emblem was black, set against a large white rectangle. A center circle had three stems with adjacent petals as if to rotate. It was surrounded by ‘U-Blue,’ the UNATRAD Trademarked Navy Colour.
There was no wind, it was flapping, billowing widely on its own Neau-Engine. 

“Mom, I am fucking un-motha-mikin’ comfortable in these shitz!”
“Rachael, please!”
“Mom, they like kill you slowly or something(!)”
“Pantyhose are what women used to wear, it’s normal Rach.”
“What slave women like you wear.” Her mom didn’t know what to say, as always…Read More…

– Copyright © Neal Cormier 2011 All Rights Reserved –

Neal Cormier is an artist and writer originally from the Washington D.C. area.
– – His concentration is visual art–especially oil painting and graphic novel illustration.

He is also an up and coming fiction writer, of which Vesper Heliotropic is his first full length novel publication with Amazon, Barnes and Nobles (eBooks) and Lulu Inc. (for paperback & hardcover) Neal recently had a showing at National Airport in Arlington, VA (March 11 – June 25 in Terminal A). He also, and even more recently, had a first book signing for Vesper Heliotropic at The Midtown Scholar, a local hipster style bookstore in downtown Harrisburg, PA.

Neal has sold a variety of pieces to clients from around the world. His artwork has been shown in cafés, bars and galleries in New York City, Washington D.C., Paris and Alençon, France.

After high school, Neal attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City and spent four years living in both Brooklyn and Manhattan. He moved to France after this, and spent roughly about the same length of time in the region of Basse-Normandie, northern France. As a result, he speaks French and has a (tall) 9 year old daughter, Lili. He now resides back home in Crystal City, Virginia with his fiancé, Kristin.

List of Art & Media By Neal Cormier

Art & Blog

Web Design/Development Services

The Novel’s Website

– Vesper Heliotropic is a general teen/adult sci-fi ebook, paperback and hardcover, and is a Steampunk(ish) serial novel. The first written publication is OUT NOW VIA on PAPERBACK and SPECIAL-JACKETED HARDCOVER, and is available for THE AMAZON KINDLE as well as BARNES AND NOBLES NOOK EBOOKS. VESPER HELIOTROPIC, THE CRYSTAL TURBINES SERIES GRAPHIC NOVEL IS ALSO OUT NOW ON FULL COLOR GLOSSY PAPERBACK! 46 Pages Full Color Interior and Exterior – ONLY $19.99! –

Creative Commons License
Vesper Heliotropic Book I. CRYSTAL TURBINES by Neal Aaron Cormier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Vesper Heliotropic Book I. CRYSTAL TURBINES © Copyright 2011 Neal Cormier All Rights Reserved
Visit the Author’s Website – Neal Cormier Art

And so began yet another day at the Fed’s Munich, PS District 5: Fairview High, The Heliotropes. – NOVEL: VESPER HELIOTROPIC Random Sample

“UNAFIX, wants you to see what you are made of…” whispered a deep male voice relayed at an NMR-Frequency that only females could hear. The girls did generally enter buildings slower than males, as the Declassified Overseer data always came back with.

Rachael knew the drill. She tore and cleaved her way to the front of the left-most part of the crowd of mainly girls, and joined the heel clicking lines to then go on to the school’s early morning Detectors. Of the twenty-six doors lining this side of the snaking edifice, Rachael was aiming for #16.

There must be a fountain downstairs mass-producing kids.

She thought this virtually every morning, looking at the tops of heads bob up and down on the other side of the dusty square windows of the watery line of doors…Keep Reading…


– Vesper Heliotropic is a general teen/adult sci-fi ebook, paperback and hardcover, and is a Steampunk(ish) serial novel. The first written publication is OUT NOW VIA on PAPERBACK and SPECIAL-JACKETED HARDCOVER, and is available for THE AMAZON KINDLE as well as BARNES AND NOBLES NOOK EBOOKS. VESPER HELIOTROPIC, THE CRYSTAL TURBINES SERIES GRAPHIC NOVEL IS ALSO OUT NOW ON FULL COLOR GLOSSY PAPERBACK! 46 Pages Full Color Interior and Exterior – ONLY $19.99! –

Creative Commons License
Vesper Heliotropic Book I. CRYSTAL TURBINES by Neal Aaron Cormier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Vesper Heliotropic Book I. CRYSTAL TURBINES © Copyright 2011 Neal Cormier All Rights Reserved
Visit the Author’s Website – Neal Cormier Art

– Copyright © Neal Cormier 2011 All Rights Reserved –

Neal Cormier is an artist and writer originally from the Washington D.C. area.
– – His concentration is visual art–especially oil painting and graphic novel illustration.

He is also an up and coming fiction writer, of which Vesper Heliotropic is his first full length novel publication with Amazon, Barnes and Nobles (eBooks) and Lulu Inc. (for paperback & hardcover) Neal recently had a showing at National Airport in Arlington, VA (March 11 – June 25 in Terminal A). He also, and even more recently, had a first book signing for Vesper Heliotropic at The Midtown Scholar, a local hipster style bookstore in downtown Harrisburg, PA.

Neal has sold a variety of pieces to clients from around the world. His artwork has been shown in cafés, bars and galleries in New York City, Washington D.C., Paris and Alençon, France.

After high school, Neal attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City and spent four years living in both Brooklyn and Manhattan. He moved to France after this, and spent roughly about the same length of time in the region of Basse-Normandie, northern France. As a result, he speaks French and has a (tall) 9 year old daughter, Lili. He now resides back home in Crystal City, Virginia with his fiancé, Kristin.

List of Art & Media By Neal Cormier

Art & Blog

Web Design/Development Services

The Novel’s Website

Our first real dinner together was in Paris.

Our first real dinner together was in Paris.

Never was I thinking in any experiential way ‘this is going to be something I’ll be writing about when I’m 33.’

I was thinking the words though. I tipped the waiter 20% after I made him angry to the point of noticeable aggravation. he growled at me. Growled. At night, it was I think midnight, just 10 minutes before they closed. An Asian restaurant of some kind, right there off Montparnasse it seemed. god everything in Paris is beautiful, the streets of steam…like New York…the urine aromaed subways. I miss it all.

I tipped the waiter 15%. Actually. Thought he would spit in my food. Hell, I thought he’d spit at me, taking our order. All along, I insisted, every step, never flinching. I fell in love with her there. She’d said I’d looked sensual when I eat. Ha. The Asian manager, (the Mom, no doubt, running the show) made the boy (no doubt her son) actually take our order. I felt not an inch guilty for insisting on living in the city of light.

I remember a Mexcian restaurant I worked at. There was a mustached man, looked ilke a lumberjack, 60 something years old. Working the decent upscale Tex-Mex. He agreed about the women in Paris. I knew one. I loved one. I knew that she wasn’t a sandwich. But higher math. Maybe not just cavier. Said I looked sexy when I ate. How European.

For the upright suburban boy.


– Copyright © Neal Cormier 2011 All Rights Reserved –

Neal Cormier is an artist and writer originally from the Washington D.C. area.
– – His concentration is visual art–especially oil painting and graphic novel illustration.

He is also an up and coming fiction writer, of which Vesper Heliotropic is his first full length novel publication with Amazon, Barnes and Nobles (eBooks) and Lulu Inc. (for paperback & hardcover) Neal recently had a showing at National Airport in Arlington, VA (March 11 – June 25 in Terminal A). He also, and even more recently, had a first book signing for Vesper Heliotropic at The Midtown Scholar, a local hipster style bookstore in downtown Harrisburg, PA.

Neal has sold a variety of pieces to clients from around the world. His artwork has been shown in cafés, bars and galleries in New York City, Washington D.C., Paris and Alençon, France.

After high school, Neal attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City and spent four years living in both Brooklyn and Manhattan. He moved to France after this, and spent roughly about the same length of time in the region of Basse-Normandie, northern France. As a result, he speaks French and has a (tall) 9 year old daughter, Lili. He now resides back home in Crystal City, Virginia with his fiancé, Kristin.

List of Art & Media By Neal Cormier

Art & Blog

Web Design/Development Services

The Novel’s Website

Follow the WHOLE ‘Springfield’ Short Story on!

More Updated: On-Going Short Story, Updated (Almost Daily!) –ATTN: Safari Users have the ‘Reader’ advantage, which works very smoothly with the way I ‘web’ my stories.


– Copyright © Neal Cormier 2011 All Rights Reserved –

Neal Cormier is an artist and writer originally from the Washington D.C. area.
– – His concentration is visual art–especially oil painting and graphic novel illustration.

He is also an up and coming fiction writer, of which Vesper Heliotropic is his first full length novel publication with Amazon, Barnes and Nobles (eBooks) and Lulu Inc. (for paperback & hardcover) Neal recently had a showing at National Airport in Arlington, VA (March 11 – June 25 in Terminal A). He also, and even more recently, had a first book signing for Vesper Heliotropic at The Midtown Scholar, a local hipster style bookstore in downtown Harrisburg, PA.

Neal has sold a variety of pieces to clients from around the world. His artwork has been shown in cafés, bars and galleries in New York City, Washington D.C., Paris and Alençon, France.

After high school, Neal attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City and spent four years living in both Brooklyn and Manhattan. He moved to France after this, and spent roughly about the same length of time in the region of Basse-Normandie, northern France. As a result, he speaks French and has a (tall) 9 year old daughter, Lili. He now resides back home in Crystal City, Virginia with his fiancé, Kristin.

List of Art & Media By Neal Cormier

Art & Blog

Web Design/Development Services

The Novel’s Website

You see these people.

You see these people.


They’re not actually living.

Deep in their minds.

This is closer to what they really see…

And they strive their whole lives to get a piece of what they think is this….

When what they end up with is something closer to this…

Until they lose someone, or you almost lose yourself, either more mentally or physically, you are suddenly in reality. Alive. You can’t know life until you’ve lived it. One line that always gets me is – “The world’s a better place when it’s upside down.” – Amy Winehouse

This is often true because you have to suddenly stand for something when what you took for granted is at stake.


What if Hitler were reborn a girl?








– Copyright © Neal Cormier 2011 All Rights Reserved –

Neal Cormier is an artist and writer originally from the Washington D.C. area.
– – His concentration is visual art–especially oil painting and graphic novel illustration.

He is also an up and coming fiction writer, of which Vesper Heliotropic is his first full length novel publication with Amazon, Barnes and Nobles (eBooks) and Lulu Inc. (for paperback & hardcover) Neal recently had a showing at National Airport in Arlington, VA (March 11 – June 25 in Terminal A). He also, and even more recently, had a first book signing for Vesper Heliotropic at The Midtown Scholar, a local hipster style bookstore in downtown Harrisburg, PA.

Neal has sold a variety of pieces to clients from around the world. His artwork has been shown in cafés, bars and galleries in New York City, Washington D.C., Paris and Alençon, France.

After high school, Neal attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City and spent four years living in both Brooklyn and Manhattan. He moved to France after this, and spent roughly about the same length of time in the region of Basse-Normandie, northern France. As a result, he speaks French and has a (tall) 9 year old daughter, Lili. He now resides back home in Crystal City, Virginia with his fiancé, Kristin.

List of Art & Media By Neal Cormier

Art & Blog

Web Design/Development Services

The Novel’s Website

New Sci-Fi Short Story: ‘Springfield’ (Sample Only)

–This is the first chapter sample of my all-new VH short story! The only place you’re gonna find it: ‘Springfield’ here only now, and exclusively on WordPress!–


i. Camille’s Providence

It is always the best state, to have time.

I’ve always noticed the disparity in the pant of a male. That triangle of space where it wouldn’t be on the ken doll version of him. The material meets the leg and caves in toward the crotch. What we don’t want to admit is a person under there. A less conforming entity. Than a doll anyway. Than a RealGurl. Or Boy.

I know that I’m only just waking. Up. I know that I am traveling here in the rivers of my dreams. There are no more dreams though. I’ve been sent to record it. From the human point of view.

RD AUTO Message: +-XXX, Fri 1, Octobre 2087 – Springfield, VA. Off-Line |

We are post history.

Too much to record. Style trumps, meaning trumps style, both are fused into one. But it is indeed recorded. We are indeed being recorded. Forever.

No way to bring it all to focus. Like how we overlook things. Like…

I am looking outside. There is light.

The white Sun melting through the trees.

Gas clouds.
Air again, still.

A familiar quality to it. The windows, her windows…were dry. Sepia room, light splintering through the NeauFan blades above. She turned her head on her pillow, laying there, once again spread out on the bed, contemplating the ceiling with straying Eyes.

Her mom’s lawn was outside, gray-green through the unwashed windows. Always unwashed. No Neau Tech, can’t afford it. Crescent Hill Drive and Jenny’s house down the road a bit, but she couldn’t see it.

There was a place and time that was Springfield Mall. When the dream of CAMBIAN was still alive…

She thought of C-iiiNOBuN, CAMBIAN’S Official State Bakery, USC sponsored, of course. They’d taken it from the French style when the original Founding Father in the 20XX’s had still been alive.

NeauMusic was on, barely throwing a few piano notes into the air, thick with NCense and a dark ViewHorizon of a Penthouse in New York City.

She’d never been there.

The light from her dresser was creeping out into the darks of her room. Blues, blacks, muted whites, sheets. It was early morning. Her mom hadn’t gotten up yet. A stern, yet soft, almost melodic Voice from the RadioWalls came on in the background…

“The Learning Man Thinks The Learning Man Finds The Learning Man Does The Learning Man Runs The Learning Man Runs The Learning Man Thinks The Learning Man Does, The Learning Man Has, The Learning Man Can, The Learning Man Smiles The Learning Man Was, The Learning Man Wants,  The Learning Man Struggles, The Learning Man Wishes, The Learning Man Gets, The Learning Man Finds, The Learning Man Wounds, The Learning Man Absorbs, The Learning Man Completes.”

“Planet Earth Is Blue,’ read a Neau brochure peeking out from…

“ArchStoneNeauDriven State Sponsored Apartment Housing Available!” the small magazine read. Then the UberVoice from her EmoReader began chanting a soft few phrases as if under Her breath…

BECOME A ‘LEARNING ENTITY’ AND TRANSFORM INTO A PROPERLY RETRIBALIZED ‘SOCIAL CITIZEN!’ – read a random generic CAMBIAN Ad on the back of a Jewish ZinePamphlet sitting on her bed with a few  SoftSkynn TrannyDolls.

Jews themselves now a popular and recently official UFED UberGroup or ‘MicroGen.’ She didn’t care for ‘The Hebes’ really, though most of her friends when she was young were Jews before they all moved from her neighborhood, Crescent Forest.

“Let’s do this, okay, Victor, the Man of Total Involvement, of Total Awareness, absorbs everything around Him, the Running Man Runs, the Learning Man Learns, The Running Man Learns The Learning Man Runs…”

“Let’s do this, okay, Naomi: the WoMan of Total Involvement, of Total Awareness, absorbs everything around Her: the Running WoMan Runs, the Learning WoMan Runs, The Running WoMan Has And The Learning Man Does…”

The Running Man says this, about to do his morning Marathon. The CAMBIAN FIT WAT!

He repeats these lines to ‘Cast’ the NeauSpell over the Learning Software in his Brain to get better bicycle mileage. He knows that the wrong combination of wishing will get him the wrong muscle software configuration. This is a sposmodic discipline, the Life of the Learning Man.

He begins again…

“The Learning Man Thinks The Learning Man Finds The Learning Man Does The Learning Man Runs The Learning Man Runs The Learning Man Thinks The Learning Man Does, The Learning Man Has, The Learning Man Can The Learning Man Smiles The Learning Man Was The Learning Man Wants,  The Learning Man Struggles, The Learning Man Wishes, The Learning Man Gets, The Learning Man Finds, The Learning Man Wounds, The Learning Man Aborbs, The Learning Man Completes.


“The Learning Woman Thinks The Learning Woman Finds The Learning Woman Does The Learning Man Runs The Learning Man Runs The Learning Man Thinks The Learning Man Does, The Learning Man Fucks The Learning Man Eats The Learning Man Has, The Learning Man Can The Learning Man Smiles The Learning Man Was The Learning Man Wants,  The Learning Man Struggles, The Learning Man Wishes, The Learning Man Gets, The Learning Man Finds, The Learning Man Wounds, The Learning Man Aborbs, The Learning Man Completes. Himself.” The Learning Woman Runs, The  Learning Woman Has, The Learning Man IS.”

Camille felt herself mezmorized by the Near-Hypnopaedic voice.

The Radio kept on…

“More Homeless SAVED from the streets by the CAMBIAN INFANTRY! Given Up? Join Up.

Turned over in her bed. The white wash from the windows made her blink twice. “Oh shit, what am I gonna do about Kim?” Neasuea. Again. Fuck. She had to shit. “Gotta make bumper,” she exclaimed to her empty room. “Is there anything I can do?” asked Una. “Ah, wipe my ass.” There was no reply.


The wood of the bench kind of pinched her butt-cheeks when itty-bitty parts of her rear got caught between the slats. She was waiting for Blo-T, the next Transport out of Main-Line and into the gray area of now, Off-Line toward Springfield-Springfield. This was as opposed to the Oakland Community Springfield.

…Stay Tuned For More of ‘Springfield’ Tomorrow!

– ‘Springfield’ is an All-New “VESPER HELIOTROPIC CRYSTAL TURBINES SERIES” Short Story. –

– Vesper Heliotropic is a general teen/adult sci-fi ebook, paperback and hardcover, and is a Steampunk(ish) serial novel. The first written publication is OUT NOW VIA on PAPERBACK and SPECIAL-JACKETED HARDCOVER, and is available for THE AMAZON KINDLE as well as BARNES AND NOBLES NOOK EBOOKS. VESPER HELIOTROPIC, THE CRYSTAL TURBINES SERIES GRAPHIC NOVEL IS ALSO OUT NOW ON FULL COLOR GLOSSY PAPERBACK! 46 Pages Full Color Interior and Exterior – ONLY $19.99! –

Creative Commons License
Vesper Heliotropic Book I. CRYSTAL TURBINES by Neal Aaron Cormier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Vesper Heliotropic Book I. CRYSTAL TURBINES © Copyright 2011 Neal Cormier All Rights Reserved
Visit the Author’s Website – Neal Cormier Art

Dating: ‘Intellectual or Non?’ – SIGNS OF FEMALE ATTRACTION

Biting of the lip, flipping of the hair.

There was even an Oprah episode about the classicality of the ‘hair flip.’ Penthouse magazine sites an unstated, cool, casual indifference. “Go over to her girl friends and tell her you were wondering something (as if a secret) and ask her what his buddy should name his Labrador? Or what she saw on American Idol the other night cause you missed it…”

Dating experts tell us to do anything but be honest most often and how to ‘play the game,’ without calling it a game, meanwhile ads the advertisers who paid for your ads and articles, advice some men take to heart and beyond…

I myself have dated thirty-five women. Not a large number per se, for the standards (or non) of today’s average ‘person.’

But what advice do I have to give? What are the signs of if a girl or woman (whatever she makes herself into) is attracted to you. Do looks matter? Yes. Women, as are men, are biologically programmed to find reasons (as are we) to like the face and body of a broad number of males. Advertising is run by endless battalions of misogynist homosexuals who hate the fact that Internet porn is making both women and men into fetishists in a mainstream way. We seek what’s different just as much now as we seek bio-compatible or biologically ‘beautiful’ mates.

(Some of) the signs from my 35:

At the bar or before you have sex:

  • Eye contact, period
  • Flipping of the hair with a smile indicates she likes you if it’s repeated
  • staring at her from afar for too long–no good. I learned this from Penthouse magazine. The dating experts ‘The Industry’ puts in their articles on dating all say this. They’re right. Unless you’re an artist. Ha.
  • Sitting straight up, leaning over to you, etc.
  • Shifting her eyes at you, from one eye to the other (Penthouse and my own observation as well)
  • One liners can work if she likes you, if not, you’re fucked.
  • Intellectualism, or concepts and pretentiousness if displayed via unearthly confidence, works and makes them feel stupid. At which point you can then laud them for something they do well. You must do this stealthily though, the next day or hour or something, slip it in there.
  • Flattery that they believe, is key
  • Women are basically men with low-self esteems destroyed by advertising, if you say anything make sure it’s good concerning anything about their appearance. Don’t get yourself into trouble by introducing the complexity of it in conversation. TROUBLE.
  • If you’re dealing with a professional woman, stay away. If not, don’t try and compete on her turf, ever. Women are more territorial than men about their ‘work’ whatever it is. Don’t challenge it, and as Dale Carnegie would say “What good did winning an argument every do for you, if all it gets, is the person’s anger at you?” To this, I say, unless you are a successfully thought-out philosopher, don’t attempt to lure them into your own ideology, ever.
  • Challenge the women on your own turf. I.e. Your own profession. Women are suckers for the older authority figure father-brother complex. Use it, they using you for your own mother-sister-fuck complex. Let her. Then you’ll end up fucking each other.
  • After this, extol her for things she knows about her own ‘work.’
  • Accentuating her ass when she walks to the bathroom. She knows you’re looking, always. Women know what men like but hide it well, women are a box of secrets and yes, women are indeed much a mystery, to themselves especially.
  • Project strength in a real way, and unearthly confidence. Not fake, has to be real. You must believe yourself. At least for the time it takes to seduce her.
  • Remember: No matter what she says, if she likes you, she wants to be seduced. If you are with a non-intellectual girl or woman, name it at your peril. You won’t sleep with her or bare her children, whatever your values are…

This blog is now too long, more on this later… 🙂

Overabundance of information is always the problem.

From a voice file:

This is my own observation. I think that it is inherently cerebral. At the moment. At the moment. I suppose that will change when we are through media able to visualize everything that’s in our heads as some kind of (no doubt) 3d display tech, in which the viewer is now participant for real, in a void or vacuum of a million balloons he must now sort out. But even then that’s cluttered, and we will need once again to sort it out, and once again, if not permanently, overabundance of information is the problem.

Because the Internet is basically text now, and will be inevitably voice dominant in the future (with text only as subsidiary form and filter) –we instinctively have an emphasis on words as filter bits in which we are funneled most of our information whether to each other in bed making love, chatting in our cars while talking to lost loves, or building a website; it is all involvement with the same medium, over and over. Looking at nothing but what are in reality, literally, flat planes through which our eyes pass through maybe a centimeter.

We will then gain the loss of perspective of the New Guinean Jungle tribesman, forever surrounded  by the trees and no perspective, nothing literally beyond a meter or two. Who thought upon visiting as Joseph Campbell and McLuhan point out, thought the buffalo on the horizon were ants. Why? Because for some moments at least, I don’t know, maybe minutes, maybe a day or a week or many years, but the tribesman literally thought the buffalo, boar sized beasts the size of three men put together, were ants crawling somehow in their vision like flies to swat from their faces, and I don’t remember, maybe they did.


I am a Drupal web developer and graphic designer who aims to bring small businesses and entrepreneurs online.

I do this by furnishing a website for people who can’t afford the big-bucks web firm created site, but who are still looking to gain a wider audience for their products and services by bringing them to the net.

I can underbid most web service providers and develop a web site that is custom designed to provide the functionality, look, and feel you want for your business for an affordable price.

I offer low cost websites that are just as capable as a high cost site. Depending on how many features you want, sites can range from as low as $699!

If you’d like to know about pricing, visit the ‘pricing page’ to find out about standard pricing packages, or visit the ‘get a quote’ page, and fill out the online form and I’ll get back to you within a day at the most.

Memoir: Arrival From France: 2005

“My Dad taught me many things.

Right here in this room.”

– Michael Corleone, The Godfather II

It felt as though a door had been shut on a party in the next room.

But the sound that seemed to be all around me, yet outside of me, the sound usually muffled by a shutting door, I knew, wasn’t a sound at all, but a feeling. The feeling that I was waking up on the eve of something new, big, the noise next door making me heavy with excitement.

It was a strange kind of immersive feeling. I lay in my old blue sleeping bag I think I’d found in the closet, unravelling its bright red inner lining from my body. I thought, “This is it, here it is: you’re free–finally free”

I lay in the basement of my father’s new townhouse, well, it was still somewhat new to me, he’d been remarried four years I think, at that time. It was the early morning of January 11th, 2005, I had just arrived once again from being away, which so characterized my twenties, this time from being in France, married with child for roughly a little over three years.

I’d left them, well, so to speak, after not having a job basically the entire duration of that time living in a prison with a person I discovered I had very little in common with, happened to marry, happened to have a daughter with, and stayed for that long–for that reason alone.

It had that this is a new life’ feeling. God I love that feeling, so fresh, like I’d never lifted a finger in that land before. But I was in the place I’d grown up, a few neighborhoods off from Springfield, in Annandale, Virginia.

Virginia never felt mythical, or enchanted in any way. Now it does, looking back, and each time I re-arrive there. Of course so much has changed, it’s risen into a sprawl comparable to LA now, and was well on its way, even at that time.

My dad’s old glass cased Sony stereo system with big ol’ black speakers rose up from the floor with some sort of oak or mahogany imitation wood.

I had turned on the lamp and remembered that, of all things, of all people, my old High School English teacher, Mrs. Rice, had picked me up from Dulles the night before. She was Jewish, had absolutely huge, enormous black hair, and quite a homely appearance, which was something she always would openly admit, which I always found interesting. It was even more interesting to me though, that she was once ecentric and yet, on every occasion I came in contact with her, had a talk with her, what have, you, she never talked about anything but the most asinine things.

We had a funny discussion, or rather, not quite a discussion, but a conversation in the car that was a bit different and at first made me think she was in fact the usual result of eccentricity: somewhat interesting . She wanted to know everything…Stay Tuned for More From Neal Cormier: Memoir I.

Love is often the runoff.

Love is often the runoff.

Of what was there when another person’s body gave us pleasure we didn’t think possible.

If we reached it.

Then we would think, what do I do with all this residual positive energy? Then we project that feeling beyond the physicality onto another person. This could be called Love.

Until we incorporate the Intellectual. Then it either survives or it doesn’t from there.

f ac ebook & Intellectual dating

…& the conceptual age.

Our lives have been inexorably changed. F ac ebook searches better with more results, spelled this way. This is the mark, that signifying element in our psyche, that a paradigm has changed. J.P. Guilford had a theory about what he called (and what many businesses adopted since) – ‘Divergent Thinking.’ He divided thought or intelligence into two parts. Divergent and Convergent. Divergent goes from one point out, convergent, from multiple points inward. In abstract thought like forming the concept ‘political system’ it uses both with a primary focus of right brain-TO-left with right as the origin in my theory.

Recently I came across a book at Barnes & Nobles titled: “A Whole New Mind” Or something like that. Link here:

From the article:

— “Pink, a former chief speechwriter for former Vice President Al Gore, presents a convincing argument that our country is entering a new era — the so-called conceptual age — during which right-brained skills such as design and storytelling will become far more crucial than traditionally left-brained skills such as accounting and computer programming.” —

It was as if I were reading straight from one of my own blogs. But why is this true?

I will package it up neatly this time into an initially loose hypothesis:

1. Divergent THINKING & KEYWORDS: The backbone of the internet is keywords. Why is this non-linear and divergent? Because keywords relate in terms of how people search in a heterogeneous environment, it’s called the Internet. Think of a suburban planned community. Then think of the streets of New York City. Which one has the power to relate anything to anything else, instantly? WHich one does not?

2. Right brained equals all points simultaneously viewable, like standing in the middle of The National Gallery of Art, Modern wing in D.C. -As WIRED has said: “Secrets are at the same time, the Internet’s true forty..” (Paraphrased) The Net is both hetero and homo. It is a replica of how the brain behaves and we are living in it. Those who think from all points simultaneously (coff coff) i.e. ARTISTS and CREATIVE INTELLCTUALS.

3. Conceptual thought. Concepts are integrated units that are by nature, abstract. So is the Net. Big time. Think of an assembly line. Then think of a train track. Then think of a highway. Which one subsumes the most decentralized frenetic activity? Which the most linear? Concepts, esp abstract concepts like “Freedom” “Love” and “American Women,;)” are totally non-linear in their formation. (concept formation)

4. Dating portal s have become a mainstay and increased sexual activity in a safe, divergent structure. Just like how the right brain works, one of the Net’s prized media today is the dating site or ‘dating portal.’ Think about micro-organisms running around a maze. Think about how people would look if an office building’s top were taken off and you could see the top floor functioning? How would people move? Now do the same thing to what dating would look like in that same projected analogy. Intellectual dating is another story, but combines both right and left brained with dominance, again, going to the right! 🙂

I call the new mind: “The Abstract Synthetic Mind.” Adolf Hitler had it. Ayn Rand had it, so did Van Gogh. ALL artists. All abstract thinkers.

That’s it, there are only 4 reasons. 😉

Neal Cormiers Open House Art Show

Dec 3 Event Time is FROM 9AM - 8PM OPEN HOUSE STYLE

Intellectual Artists

In my recent readings, biographies, I am finding even more characteristics of the creative intellectual, or the so-called ‘intellectual artists’ whose key I’ve in the past, dubbed ‘the abstract-synthetic trait.’

Ayn Rand and Adolf Hitler share the following…

-incredible grasp of abstract issues regardless of reading ability and despite not being highly well read

reading proficiency: both being slow readers
Both artists


“Mommy, why are we here on Earth?” Pam was fighting her purse for its items. “To go on Holidays honey, I told you five times already.” -Rachael (Camille) & Pam her Mom

“Mommy, why are we here on Earth?”
Pam was fighting her purse for its items.
“To go on Holidays honey, I told you five times already.”

-Rachael (Camille)
& Pam her Mom

© Copyright Vesper Heliotropic 2011 All Rights Reserved
Vesper Heliotropic Book I. CRYSTAL TURBINES by
Neal Aaron Cormier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Earth to Neal: Anger and Its Validity vs. Irreconcilable Emotions

What do you do with valid anger?

First thing to note: I now realize that it is very necessary not to indulge to far into the culture’s idea of psychology being that it is borne and is filtering reality mostly via subjective social conventions on every level, virtually. (I’m not trouncing science, just some science today. And, this is also despite its validity in many areas of course.)

This is what I’ve discovered most:

– I realize that there are emotions that are valid as well as irreconcilable. –

Before today, at least on this level, I thought very ambiguously on my own conclusion over this more than I would have liked. I also failed to make a crucial distinction and be aware of emotions that can’t understand the complexity of certain parts of reality.

Why? Two things primarily.

1. The belief that rationally checked emotions are built to reflect reality and do if used properly.

2. Emotions are always there to tell us what’s good and bad for us.

3. Most of my emotional responses have been at least consistent enough to make me happy in striving for nothing less than enlightened selfish greed.

First, I must note that #3 has always been the resting point and safety net for my own ego.

Secondly I think we must ask:

What do you get when you put these three together? Answer: The conclusion that since emotions are another tool to work in tandem with our conscious mind to arrive at rationality as to what is the good, hence, what values and virtues to obtain and or keep, plus–course of action.

So what’s the problem with this?


What happens when #1 is missing some vital yet small part of the picture? Answer: Yeh, I’ll tell you–Complete Disaster.

What happens when #2 isn’t the case because of the exception that some things leave a good taste in your mouth. i.e. I’m sure there are many poisons that probably taste good. Answer: Yeh, I’ll tell you–You die.

The second one is something that plays in I think less than the first in terms of my struggle here. The third, I’ve already mentioned.

All in all, my struggle in this case has to do with people, being far less advanced than I, (in the sense and respect I am defining) actually constitute a different ‘era’ and ‘place,’ entirely. I must hold to this. This also means by direct implication, that in many fundamental ways, I would be some form of white trash retard-psuedo philosopher-ghetto-punk-fuck-up-kid if it weren’t for the friends and family that raised me. The complexity to this is that even as a fuck up my socio-personal-philosophical awareness extends far past the same majority.

I see intelligence lurking like a silent Taliban wife in the background of waring emotions and convoluted half baked or less baked conclusions from most people. (I see it most in people (that I know personally) that are from more disadvantages backgrounds than I. I see it even more in people that are from more philosophically disadvantaged backgrounds.)

In other words, we are not and far from, all equal. Like some people are probably no different than animals, though of course that’s complete speculation at this point in my development.

I added this misanthropy to the situation, my ideas, then proceeded to justify it in saying that man is metaphysically neutral-good (yes, it’s a also a Dungeons and Dragons ‘Alignment’ 🙂 but man is also temporally (in this ‘world’) – for the most part, light years behind and mostly evil. Evil in this sense I must be vigilant to remind that it is means not what you might be thinking but more, is purely a term to designate what is the bad to a person, the malevolent.

In short, people in this country, in my culture and pretty much in the world I’ve known at large, pretty bad for me. Like 90% at the very least. This is despite how complex it is cause people have so many good things about them despite so many of their awful choices, beliefs, biological predispositions, etc.

To myself, and officially I made the conclusion that I would remain angry because emotions are there after to tell us who are friends should be, and what things to trust as well check back with one’s mind vigilantly, and I’ll be fine. Nop. Just a bitter person I’ve realized and like always, head first, and the best way: the hard way.

I mean, what does one do when one realizes that most people are at the very least, incommunicable on most levels that matter to a person?

I will say this as to a practice I would be testing out nowadays:

Premise of Action: When there are different ‘worlds’ involved in any conflictt, that is, two in some ways, incommensurable, in most ways, mutually exclusive beliefs–one’s rational emotional responses to such a situation are null and void. They have no currency because there are two completely different languages involved with different definitions.

That is all I have to say right now.


ERWACHE. Out As eBook and Paperback!

ERWACHE. Out As eBook and Paperback!

CLICK HERE TO BUY THE EBOOK $2.99 (6 Chapters, 200 + Pages Great Short Story!

Camille Linderen would sooner rush to close a door on an old woman than even think to help her. She uses boys, trannies and other girls alike for sex and favors and locks handicapped people in their bathroom stalls. Don’t bring her home to the father-in-law, she might try and tempt him to leave his wife, then drop him. For kicks.

ERWACHE is 6 of the 28 Chapters of the Full-Length (apprx. 740 Pages) NOVEL VESPER HELIOTROPIC BOOK I. CRYSTAL TURBINES. This ‘Excerpt-Short Story Involves ‘Lord Darbosol,’ the insane ‘Lord’ who kills women and girls and stores them inside ever-moving industrial washing machines. Camille leads her own life back home in the good ol’ Fairview High, Heliotropes…Read More Inside!

The Careerist

Goals are the concretization of ideals, and ideals are inseparable from the self. The result of any separation of these two results in either extreme of a broken person: pragmatism or so-called) idealism as an either-or.

The profit motive is therefore, wrong for the sake of pleasure or aims apart from rational ideals. Survival for one’s own sake, divorced from objectively derived principles which uphold a larger span of life and existence, is a contradiction in terms and can only be attributed to the life and existence of a lower animal.

A Careerist is someone who has chosen both to trump higher ideals, has chosen to be a chicken without a head. Ideals that act apart from the mere lifespan of oneself but do not necessarily act against the self are the only rational course of action to a human life. The abdictation of selfishness in the proper degree, would also be a contradiction to the properly appropriated, enlightened selfish nature of a human being. i.e. Man does not and should not act without pleasure, so long as pleasure or joy does not trump ideals.

So what of the many many situations that naturally and inevtibly arise in life where one can’t have both?

Aside from this and my main point is that both the profit motive as well as one’s own survival for its own sake is what has made the Careerist forsake all else.

It is important to split hairs to a great degree and not give in to the extremist mistakes of the past, i.e. capitalism vs. communism–in that money qua money as an organizational tool, and a tool that grants pleasure to fuel ideals is not wrong and in fact may be very ethically right.
If you doubt that the life of a Careerist is improper to man’s life—observe the modern effects on those individuals that have chosen such a path:

So what are higher ideals and what delimits them against every form of vague and contrite supposition?



She's Also a Slut for You $$$

How does polyamory work? And does it work?

The one thing that makes polyamory work is being in love. To the bone.

If you are not in love, passionately or do not think 100% of the time this is the primary man, woman or tranny etc., for me for the rest of my life, no questions asked, even and especially within yourself–don’t bother.

It took my fiancé and I 4 years to establish the kind of trust it took to make polyamory not about jealousy and more about compersion and what love is supposed to be about: actually caring about someone’s happiness enough to alter ones comfort zones and values, or world or fundamental views about what love Actually is in reality. We get jealous but we maintain healthy dating of others and retain no fundamental jealousy–because we know for 110% sure that we’d never leave each other for someone else. So what does that mean in reality? It means in our case, of infinite numbers of ways of doing it–that we practice ‘hierarchical’ polyamory which recognizes that humans can’t possibly (at least with the tech we have right now) complete another human person 100%. Ironic eh? That means that you can love someone 100% while not being completed by them to that same extent. It means that we love partners vertically with an order of importance, primary secondary, tertiary, etc. Or: What people of the altruistic judeo-christian variety have kept us in psycho amorous sexual slavery over for 2000 years and still won’t admit: Love is measurable.

In fact, falling suit with this, I believe polyamory is the standard metaphysically with human beings. 60% of. US marriages fail within the first four years. A fast growing 40% or so of the same population is being honest about wanting to love and fuck other people while maintaining healthy multiple, often even loving relationships–and therefore practices some form of an open relationship, if not polyamory which apparently has risen to 10% now in the US.

The numbers of honest people are continuing to rise. Eventually everyone will be connected. 😉


“Rachael!” shouted her mom’s high pitched voice from downstairs.
“Yessssss, mother! It’s Camille now by the way!”
There was no answer. And then…
“Don’t forget your make-up!” her mom’s faint voice could now barely be made out.
“Ugh,” Rachael said to herself.
“Okay!” she yelled back, vein and limply.

Rachael sat upright on the edge of her bed, her widish butt planted Indian style. There were disheveled bra straps under…Read More

There is more to life than this: Meaning and State

When we say someone is ‘deep’ what are we really saying?

This colloquial nonsense is not really always nonsense actually, but half the time we say it in terms of what’s actually behind it, most certainly is.

We don’t really know half the time what we mean when we say something, we are usually actually just referring to a thing that we once knew had the answer. This is no different than how a computer system works: by means of a query. A query is often a server’s request made to a database to pull information, that is, a file or folder that matches a tag which is what the query is comprised of mostly.


Continue reading

Free Your Mind: Conceiving in Noumenal Reality

“They say a good thing never lasts and that it has to fall. Those are the people that did not amount to much at all.”


One problem, sometimes what I think to be the most fundamental difficulty people have with how they deal with life and most crucial of all intellectual errors, is that of failing to ever conceive and apply what I will call (to borrow from Immanuel Kant) ‘noumenal’ or ‘metaphysical intelligence’: as Kant would define it: ‘the ability to see a thing in and of itself,’ or the ability to see a thing in terms of absolute reality; the absolute reality of a thing, that being–its metaphysics…Read More